
10 Ways To Keep The Butterflies Alive In A Long Distance Relationship

3. Flirt All The Time



1. Communicate via phone call

You might want to make regular calls like once or twice a week that would last for an hour or so. (Trust me, if you are in love, one hour wouldn’t be enough). There are apps for free calls, which mean, you do not have to blame it on the cost of the calls anymore, all you need is a WIFI connection. Regular calls will keep the flame up and the drool all over your pillow at night.

2. Utilize technology to have a “date night” using video chat

Current technology can be very helpful, when you want some face to face time with your lover. Setting aside a “date night” and doing a video chat session will make the miles seem smaller even if only for a few hours.

3. Flirt ALL the time

Being flirtatious every day will keep your significant other drawn to you. If you aren’t going to compliment and intrigue them, someone else who is closer will. Bottom line, if you want them to stay drawn to you, turns the flirting up!

4. Show interest in the daily activities of your partner

Showing interest in the small things in the daily life of your partner can be very good or very bad. Knowing certain routines of their lives shows you care but don’t be creepy about it. Knowing some daily activities could scare away your loved one instead of drawing them to you.

5. Watch movies, games, news etc. at the same time

Watching a movie or other program at the same time may seem corny but it’s all about togetherness. Whether it’s a movie both of you have been wanting to watch or a porn that just came out, a couple that plays together stays together.

6. Be creative in a dirty way

People have needs and those needs have to be satisfied. This part has to do with boys more than girls, because most of the boys need to see things rather than be romantic to be turned on. You just need to find the balance of how to make it interesting; otherwise it will be really awkward.

7.  Exchange gifts and material things

Exchanging material items is an element of excitement for both, especially when the contents are kept a secret. Having an item that was handpicked by the person you are longing for, will bring a bit more closeness to the relationship. Just make sure it’s reciprocated.

8.  Have a set plan for visits

If you do not have a set plan for visits or at least the coming visit, you are just wasting each other’s time and the chances of ending up in the friend zone are too damn high. If you are shy to meet up, be brave; at the end of the day neither if you can make it work if you aren’t physically together.

9. Never go to bed angry

NEVER EVER GO TO BED ANGRY! This is bad in any relationship. I’d rather fight to save something with make-up setting after than go to sleep ignoring the problem and causing a bigger gap in the relationship.

10. Keep a ritual

Humans love rituals and scheduling things. by wishing your soul mate a good morning and good night every day, you will help him/her to have the sense of being closer to her/his daily life. Also the fact that you will speak on the phone once a day or week, it makes it exciting to wait for after a long tiring day. Thought Catalog Logo Mark