I Don’t Want To Move On, I Want ‘Us’ To Have A Second Chance

Sean Kobi Sandoval
Sean Kobi Sandoval

I lost my paradise. Lost my happy pill. Lost my other half. Lost the love of my life. You told me to move on. You told me to let go. There’s nothing I can do right now to change your mind, nothing I can do to cure the damage I’ve done to you, nothing I can do to fix my mistakes.

But I would do anything to have you back. I’d die every day wishing to have that second chance. Another chance to prove my love. Another chance to get to know you. A second chance to start all over again, fresh. A second chance.

You will be physically and spiritually away from me. But I will always be wishing you the best. I will always have your back no matter what, always. I will always be a listener for your rants. I will always be the shoulder for you to lean on. I will always be your punching bag.

I will always care for you. I will always be here, no doubts.

I would be lying if I say that I’m going to move on, that I will let go. Because I search for hope in every single situation I’m in. I search for the door in a pitch black room blindfolded. I search for a light in the darkest location in the darkest hours.

If that second chance does come by, I promise that I’ll never let you go again. Who knows when that second chance will come by, nobody knows. Maybe 5 years down the road? Maybe 20 years down the road? Maybe in the next life?

You’ve planted a seed of love in me,
a seed that breeds indescribable, undying love,
a kind of love that will continue to grow as time passes.

You made me fall heads over heels for you,
when I fall for someone, I fall really hard and I don’t give up on that person,
I will never give up on you. My love for you will never change, it will only grow.

You make me the happiest & luckiest person on earth,
every minute, every second spent with you feels like paradise.
I cherish all the time I’ve spent with you, and regret the times I didn’t.

You make me feel so special,
you made me feel real love for the very first time,
that is when I realized that my love for you is genuine, it will always be.

You are the one,
you might think that I’m just talking shit,
but no. I see you as someone I’ll be spending my entire life with.

Hope. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day. Fight for the people you cherish and believe in. Believe in second chances. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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