Caleb Frith

You Have To Let Him Go

Happiness means some heartbreak, light means some darkness, and good means some bad, but your journey isn’t over.


Caleb Frith
Caleb Frith

“You loved him enough to leave, now you need to love yourself enough to let him go.” – Ranata-Suzuki

You have to let him go.

You have to let go of the life that you could’ve had. You can’t keep desperately searching for the rewind button, because that’s just not how this works.

You have to indirectly erase him from your life.

Wash him out of your clothes.

Sweat him out at the gym.

Brush him out of your hair.

Write him out of your journal.

Shaming yourself and wishing for things to be different will not change the circumstances. This pain, anguish, and misery shouldn’t be the reality of anyone, but it is. Do you want to know why? Because, this is what life is all about. You have to experience darkness to be able to appreciate the light.

Want to know something else? You will be okay. Life isn’t over and the world is still spinning. That doesn’t mean that life won’t be different, because it will be much different, but is different a bad thing?


This means you have the opportunity to get creative with your existence. “When one door closes another door opens.” It’s so cliché, but it’s so true. New doors won’t open if you’re constantly trying to open that locked door. Leave it. There are so many doors that will lead you to new destinations, friendships, and maybe even a new love. These doors may even make you laugh about how you doubted yourself in the first place.

Once you’re able to separate the past from the future you’ll be able to live, and I mean really live. You’ll find new strengths and you’ll learn new things about yourself that you didn’t even know you had in you. You can’t ever go back and change what has been done, but you do have a choice every single day to be the person you are now. Get unique with your self-care and start falling madly in love with you.

Happiness means some heartbreak, light means some darkness, and good means some bad, but your journey isn’t over. You have right now to make your time here worth it. Challenges and struggle will always occur, but there is always always always be a way. You have to get uncomfortable to be comfortable.

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About the author

Victoria Joslin

My name is Victoria. I am a fitness addict, aspiring teacher, health enthusiast, and a self proclaimed writer.