Every Nora Ephron Rom Com, Ranked
You want to watch some classic rom coms? Look no further than the late, great Nora Ephron.

When you think of classic romantic comedies, there’s likely something that the items in your mental list have in common: Many of them are Nora Ephron movies.
The late great Nora Ephron was a Hollywood powerhouse and, although she wrote, directed, or produced plenty of dramas throughout her award-winning nearly four-decade career, she’s most known for her rom coms. Though all four vary in tone, from serious and sprawling to silly and camp, they fill a space that few modern romantic comedies inhabit anymore. They made you swoon. They made you believe that it could happen to you.
It’s time to up your romantic comedy education! If you want a classic dose of romance with that irreverent brand of Nora Ephron humor, here is the definitive ranking of Nora Ephron romantic comedies in order from “maybe skip it” to “must-see.”
4. Bewitched (2005)

The last of Nora Ephron’s romantic comedies saw a quirky take on the Hollywood phenomenon of remaking everything that was successful decades prior. But instead of just making a movie version of the black and white TV show, “Bewitched,” it was instead set in a world where the show existed and was about an actor reprising the role of Darrin and looking for his Samantha.
Unfortunately, Bewitched didn’t get the box office draw typical of a Nora Ephron movie (which she cowrote with her sister, Delia). It was an uncharacteristic box office failure and critics were scathing in their reviews, giving it 24%. Maybe that has something to do with this being the only movie in Ephron’s rom com catalog not starring Meg Ryan? Still, there’s good to be found in this rom com fantasy, especially if you’re a fan of silly gags and loads of camp.
3. Sleepless In Seattle (1993)

This quintessential romantic comedy finds a little boy named Jonah calling a radio call-in show because he wished his widower father (Sam, played by Tom Hanks) wasn’t so sad and alone. Annie (Meg Ryan) hears about this man in Seattle all the way from Baltimore and can’t stop thinking about him, which launches her into a creepy-by-today’s-standards quest to figure out who he is and how she can meet him.
Is it a cautionary tale about parasocial romance? Sure, but it’s also incredibly sweet and hopeful for those of us wishing for a second chance at love (and to meet the love of our lives at the top of the Empire State Building in a grand display of affection.) Watch this one when you’re hoping to find your soulmate in the most unique way possible.
2. You’ve Got Mail (1998)

Based on the book The Shop Around The Corner, Kathleen (Meg Ryan, of course) has her livelihood threatened when a big box bookstore opens up around the corner from her small kid’s book shop. At the same time, she’s got an online relationship brewing with a man she’s never met. Who could foresee that the very man she’s falling for through email is her bookselling rival, Joe (yep, Tom Hanks again)?
If I’m being honest, this is actually my personal favorite on this list. The reason I’m not giving it the number one spot is two-fold: I admit that I’m not the sole decider in what makes a movie good, and the expert levels of gaslighting that Joe uses on Kathleen in the final act of the movie sullies it’s name just a bit. Still, if you love a good slow-burn romance with a colorful cast of characters and a lighter tone, this is the movie to watch.
1. When Harry Met Sally (1989)

Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (what do you know, it’s Meg Ryan) don’t really like each other at first. They constantly argue and disagree with each other and insist that men and women can’t be friends. Of course, they keep running into each other every few years, only to have those opinions reinforced. But, a decade after first meeting, they finally try to be friends–and it changes everything.
It was Nora Ephron’s first romantic comedy and it will forever be remembered as her best. Rather than following the formula that would dominate the next few decades of rom coms, it instead follows a meandering path of comedy, drama, and a smattering of heartbreak. It has memorable lines that people still quote to this day, and a particular cream sweater that Billy Crystal wore that every man should have in his closet.