Yesterday / 28 Days

9+ Movies Leaving Netflix On July 1st To Watch Before They’re Gone

If you wanted to watch these movies you better do it soon. These movies are leaving Netflix at the end of June, 2024.


Oh, the cyclical nature of Netflix. You put something in your queue with a plan to watch it soon and once you’re finally in the mood, it’s disappeared from the streaming service. But fret no longer! If you want to watch any of these killer movies, you should probably get to them before the end of June. As soon as July 1st rolls around, these movies will be leaving Netflix. We’ve got rom coms, horror, action, and more. Time for a watch party!

Annie (1982)

Columbia Pictures

Little Orphan Annie’s whole life changes when she’s adopted by a loveable, wealthy man. This is by far the best version of this classic orphan story, made all the better by Carol Burnett, Bernadette Peters, and Tim Curry. (Seriously, you could watch this just for Tim Curry’s performance alone.) It also doesn’t hurt that the music is top-notch.

Top Secret! (1984)

Paramount Pictures

If you’re looking for some classic 1980s Dad Humor, Top Secret! is the underrated and long-forgotten spy comedy you’ve been looking for. About a rockstar recruited to help the war efforts in East Germany, this has the wonderful distinction of being Val Kilmer’s very first acting role. It’s absurd, it’s weird, and it’s not to be taken seriously. And I mean that in all the best ways.

Footloose (1984)

Paramount Pictures

This movie has everything–teens dancing as a way to rebel, falling in love with the new kid, and a great montage where Kevin Bacon teaches the late Chris Penn how to dance. Even if you don’t like romance or dancing, you’ll probably still find something to love about this movie–especially Chris Penn’s character, the loveable Willard.

The A Nightmare On Elm Street Series

New Line Cinema

If you’re in the mood for a dash of 1980s slasher horror, why not the A Nightmare on Elm Street series? Freddy Kreuger is spooky, hilarious, and, if he kills you in your dreams, you’ll die in real life. Netflix currently has the entire 8-film franchise, including the 2010 reboot, through the end of the month. (Unfortunately, they don’t have Freddy vs. Jason, which is a shame.) Since 8 movies is a lot to watch before July, I recommend watching A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors.

Kill Bill: Vol. 1 & 2


Nothing beats a woman on a rampage–especially one so capable of killing literally anyone who gets in the way in the name of revenge. Uma Thurman shines and so does the rest of the female cast. If you need to feel like a badass, just watch Kill Bill.

28 Days (2000)

Sony Pictures

No, not the zombie movie. We’re talking about the Sandra Bullock dramedy about a woman who refuses to admit that she’s an alcoholic even after she’s ordered to attend 28 days of rehab after ruining her sister’s wedding. Even though it came out over two decades ago, it’s an equal parts light and gritty look at addiction that still hits home.

The Holiday (2006)

Sony Pictures

Whether you’re watching for the stereotypical rom com romance between Cameron Diaz and Jude Law or the slow-burn romance between Kate Winslet and Jack Black, you’ll find something you like in The Holiday. Maybe you’re just here for Eli Wallach’s Arthur, which I’d totally understand. Even though it’s not the holiday season, you might still want to watch this now before it leaves Netflix.

Yesterday (2019)

Universal Pictures

When Jack wakes up after an accident, everything seems totally normal except for one little thing: No one has ever heard of The Beatles. So of course this musician takes the opportunity and decides to “write” all the Beatles songs himself. But lying has consequences, doesn’t it? While this newer movie didn’t do that well in theaters, it’s actually surprisingly funny, sweet, and heartfelt.