Ranking The Couples Of ‘Love Actually’ On Its 20th Anniversary–From Super Cute To Toxic As Hell
Love Actually, everyone's favorite British ensemble Christmas rom com, came out exactly 20 years ago. Here's a look at the couples who made the movie so special.
Prepare to feel old, because Love Actually just had its 20th anniversary. 20 years ago, people fell in love with this Christmas rom com, turning it into an annual must-watch classic. With a huge all-star cast and a plot of intertwined couples, fans have picked their favorites to root for. Looking back 20 years later, are the couples from Love Actually still the example to strive for, or are they actually cringe-worthy? I’ve ranked each couple, from cute to toxic. (And the cue card guy’s ranking might surprise you.)
Sam and Joanna, The Kids

Sam has a crush on the American girl from school, so he does the most reasonable thing he can think of to woo her: Learn to play the drums so he can be her backing band for the big school concert. Not only does their number rank as one of the best scenes of the movie, but good ol’ Sam gets the classic airport chase scene. While the pair probably didn’t last into adulthood, you’d be a monster if you didn’t think they were the utter cutest.
John and Judy, The Body Double Couple

Of the adult couples, John and “Just Judy” are the sweetest. Despite the possibly shocking jobs as nude body doubles, they have such a realistic and subdued courtship. Sometimes it’s nice to just watch two people fall in love drama-free. They end up engaged in the end, and we’re so rooting for them.
Billy Mach and Joe

Billy Mach provides the silly Christmas-ified version of “Love [Christmas] is All Around” that overlays the entire movie, propelling this aging rock star back into the spotlight. But while he could be spending Christmas at Elton John’s massive soiree, he chooses to spend it with his manager, Joe. I dare you not to get choked up when they hug, even 20 years later.
Colin and the Americans

Colin thinks British women are frigid, so he sets off to Wisconsin to find American girls. I can’t be the only one who thought his scenes in America were a dream sequence during the first watch, right? Because Colin gets exactly what he hopes for: A gaggle of gorgeous American girls hot for his cute accent. And the whole crew is happy in the end, which isn’t something I can say for every couple in this list.
The Prime Minister and Natalie

This is one of my favorite couples for how slowly they fall for each other. By the time Hugh Grant is going house-to-house looking for her, we’re so thoroughly rooting for the couple. And that ride to the school Christmas concert? Solid gold. While some couples on this list don’t feel like they have staying power, this one seems like it’d still be going strong 20 years later.
Jamie and Aurelia, The Author and His Housekeeper

Jamie heads to a villa to hide away from heartbreak and work on his novel. The only person he has for company is his Portuguese housekeeper Aurelia, who doesn’t speak any English. While cute, this matchup feels a little off considering they’ve never actually had a conversation. But it lands right in the middle because of how unbearably adorable it is when it’s revealed that they’d both learned each other’s languages after saying goodbye. “Yes, is being my answer.”
Sarah and Her Crush, Karl

Sarah keeps getting teased about her crush on Karl, but she gets what most of us crushers never do: A shot with the object of her affection. Their relationship is cute right up to the moment that Sarah pulls away and chooses her brother over any hope of a future lovelife. It’s an understandable yet heart-wrenching decision. I’m sure I’m not the only one who yelled “Don’t answer your phone!” at the screen.
Juliet and Peter, The Newlyweds

They have one of the most adorable wedding ceremonies in cinema thanks to the surprise concert that fills the church. If it weren’t for Peter’s best friend Mark pining over his new wife–and that wife kissing him when she learns of his true feelings–this would just be a cute little couple higher up on the list. Speaking of which…
Juliet and The Cue Cards Guy

We all know this isn’t the cute scene they sold it as when the movie first came out. Fine, have an unrequited crush on your best friend’s wife, but don’t tell her about it! Coming by with cue cards is just gross. Plus, she kisses him in response. Yes, it seems like a “Thanks, bye now” kiss, and he whispers “Enough, enough now,” to himself as he walks away. They’re not planning on cheating together, but the whole thing feels off when you consider that his cue cards were advertises as this huge romantic gesture. Bad move, Mark.
Harry and Karen, The Cheater and His Wife

You guys… The most heartbreaking moment of Love Actually is when, after realizing that her husband is cheating, Karen excuses herself to sob while listening to Joni Mitchell. Emma Thompson should have won an Oscar for that scene alone. But what’s truly terrible about this is that she stays with him in the end. Karen deserves the WORLD.
Harry and His Mistress, Mia

If we’re going by true toxicity, Harry and Mia are the pinnacle. Mia knows he’s married. She’s met his wife. Yet she so blatantly flirts with him at work, in front of everyone. No subtlety there. And Harry falls for it, the stupid letch, as if Mia wants anything other than power and sex. What a terrible way to ruin your marriage and your family, thus creating the biggest heartbreak of the movie.
Where did your favorite Love Actually couples rank? You can re-watch the classic, now officially 20 years old, on Netflix.