5 Life Lessons I Learned From New Rom-Com ‘Love In Taipei’
New Paramount+ original movie Love in Taipei (based on the YA novel, Loveboat Taipei) is imparting some serious wisdom.
Have you watched Love in Taipei yet? The new rom-com is a Paramount+ Original based on the Abigail Hing Wen YA romance, Loveboat, Taipei. While it’s missing some of the nuance and drama of the book, the movie is still a cute representation of life, love triangles, and learning more about your culture. In Love in Taipei, Ever’s parents convince her to go to Taiwan for the summer for a study abroad opportunity. She’s resistant at first, but making friends and finding love in Taipei is an intoxicating combo.
Here are the lessons in life and love I learned from watching Love in Taipei. Beware: Spoilers ahead! If you haven’t watch it yet, check it out on Paramount+, then come back to see if you learned the same lessons.
1. You rarely regret going out of your comfort zone.
Ever’s used to having her life all planned out. When her roommate, Sophie, invites her to come out with her–which would also break the program’s curfew rules–she’s hesitant to break away from the plan. She eventually gives in though and has a wonderful, once-in-a-lifetime experience in Taipei. Life is about having experiences, and you’ll never experience anything if you stay inside your safe little comfort zone.
2. Most mistakes can be fixed, even if they seem huge.
Ever’s cool Aunt Shu’s letting her use her art studio to film her dance audition. She just has one request: Close the windows for the oncoming typhoon. Easy. Except Ever’s late for a party and forgets, causing flooding and destruction in the studio. Rather than letting the shame of hurting her aunt keep her down, she enlists the help of her fellow students to clean it up and leave the place better than they found it. While it’s understandable to feel terrible when you make a mistake, your true character comes forth when you fix what you did wrong. It’s about how you bounce back.
3. Don’t let rejection stop you from living your dreams.
Ever places all of her hope on getting into a dance company in New York…and she doesn’t get in. Sure, she could give up, but what good would that do? She doesn’t wallow in self-pity, she doesn’t quit dance. Instead, she learns a new Taiwanese-style fan dance and teaches everyone around her. Everyone experiences rejection at some point on their path to their dreams, sometimes often. If everyone gave up, no one would be happy. If you really want something, don’t let rejection stop you.
4. The right person will love you as you are.
What makes a love triangle so much easier? When one person shows that they don’t like you the way you are. That’s what happens when Rick lies to his family about Ever’s parents and her plans for grad school. It’s sweet, artistic Xavier who shows her what it’s like to be loved exactly as you are. Don’t settle for the person who wants to change you. Wait for the person who thinks you’re amazing as-is.
5. You probably won’t end up with the person you started with.
Near the beginning of Love in Taipei, Sophie clues Ever in on a bit of Loveboat wisdom: You never end the summer with the same person that you started with. While this is her way of shading Ever’s relationship with her cousin, Rick, it’s inadvertently good advice. Young love can feel so important, so life-changing. When you’re in it, you think “This is it. I’ve found the one.” Truthfully, you’ll likely date many people before you find your soulmate, and that nugget of wisdom will help when you’re nursing a broken heart.
If you haven’t already, or you just want a second watch, watch Love in Taipei on Paramount+.