The Romantic Comedy You Should Watch This Valentine’s Day, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Whether you’re single, having an epic party, or want something to do with your significant other, romantic comedies are a staple of Valentine’s Day celebrations. And why not? They’re sweet, sometimes spicy, and almost always have you believing in love again by the time those romance-packed 90 minutes are up. Not all rom-coms are a must-watch for every person, though. If you want the romantic energy that best fits your personality, check out our list of the movies you should watch based on your zodiac sign. I’ll even tell you exactly where you can stream them. You’re welcome!

Aries: Bridesmaids (2011)

Universal Pictures

Kristin Wiig’s Annie is an absolute mess. She’s trying to be there for her friend’s wedding planning, but her dumpster fire of a life keeps getting in the way. There’s friendship jealousy, unfortunate dress fittings, and a super cute romance with Chris O’Dowd. Bridesmaids is perfect for Aries because it feels like your life is always at least a little off-the-rails. Watch Bridesmaids (2011) on Amazon Prime.

Taurus: The DUFF (2015)


Bianca Piper has just learned that she’s the DUFF of her friend group: The “designated ugly fat friend.” She’s intent on improving her life and finally getting the guy she’s been crushing on for ages, so she asks her buff jock neighbor Wesley Rush to turn her from caterpillar to butterfly. The DUFF is perfect for Taurus because you often worry that you’re not good enough. Watch The DUFF (2015) on Netflix.

Gemini: Mean Girls (2004)

Paramount Pictures

Cady Heron is new to high school and doesn’t quite get the social dynamics of the average teen girl. When she meets Regina George and the Plastics, she sets out to beat them by joining them. Of course, that has disastrous consequences, including Cady falling for Regina’s ex, Aaron Samuels. Mean Girls is perfect for Gemini because you love your rom-coms with just a dash of love and a heaping helping of drama. Watch Mean Girls (2004) on Paramount+.

Cancer: Leap Year (2010)

Universal Pictures

Anna heads to Dublin to spontaneously propose to her boyfriend, a romantic tradition in Ireland. But when her travel plans go awry, she needs help from cynical and brash Irish local, Declan. It’s the enemies-to-lovers story arc of your dreams. Leap Year is perfect for Cancer because you have some romantic notions that might be helped by falling for a cynic. Watch Leap Year (2010) on Netflix.

Leo: Pride & Prejudice (2005)

Universal Pictures

Here’s yet another version of Jane Austen’s classic novel all about falling for the prickly man who sucks at sharing his true emotions. This version is top notch for Mr. Darcy’s (Matthew Macfadyen) impassioned speech at the end of the film alone. Cue some serious swooning. Pride & Prejudice is perfect for Leo because you thrive on life-altering drama and would kill for someone to flex their hand at your mere touch. Watch Pride & Prejudice (2005) on Peacock.

Virgo: How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003)

Paramount Pictures

Magazine writer Andie (Kate Hudson) comes up with a foolproof plan for a new article: Be as terrible as possible to a man to prove they won’t put up with a clingy, high-maintenance woman. But oh how it backfires when she meets Ben (Matthew McConaughey). How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days is perfect for Virgo because sometimes you want to control to much and you won’t learn until you meet your match. Watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) on Paramount+.

Libra: Clueless (1995)

Paramount Pictures

Cher loves her friends and would do anything to help them become better people. She’s a bit of a matchmaker to newcomer Tai, trying to set her up with classmate Elton. But when Tai reveals she has a crush on Cher’s brother, Josh, Cher has some serious feelings she needs to work out. Clueless is perfect for Libra because you care so much about your friends and you sometimes need to learn when to give them space. Watch Clueless (1995) on Paramount+.

Scorpio: La La Land (2016)


She’s an aspiring actress. He’s a jazz musician with dreams of owning his own jazz club. They support each other while they go for their dreams, but when their stars don’t align, they’re left to wonder what to do to keep their deep connection alive. La La Land is perfect for Scorpio because you want to believe in love but also might be too cynical for a fairytale happy ending. Watch La La Land (2016) on Netflix.

Sagittarius: Crazy Rich Asians (2018)

Warner Bros. Pictures

Nick has invited his Asian American girlfriend back to Singapore for a wedding. She soon learns a few monumental things: Singapore’s amazing, Nick’s from a wealthy family, and his family is full of a bunch of pretentious snobs who don’t think she’s good enough. Crazy Rich Asians is perfect for Sagittarius because it’ll make you want to fall in love in Singapore–why not?! Watch Crazy Rich Asians (2018) on HBO Max.

Capricorn: Two Weeks Notice (2002)

Warner Bros. Pictures

Against her better judgement, humanitarian lawyer Lucy (Sandra Bullock) has taken a job with millionaire businessman, George (Hugh Grant). He promised he’d help the community, but when he goes back on his word, it’s quitting time. Two Weeks Notice is perfect for Capricorn because you love control and want to be in charge of everything, much to the chagrin of those who date you. Watch Two Weeks Notice (2002) on HBO Max.

Aquarius: Secret Admirer (1985)

Orion Pictures

Toni’s in love with her best friend, Michael, and she’s finally ready to tell him. But when her anonymous secret admirer letter gets into the wrong hands, a slew of misunderstandings will leave everyone reeling. Here’s to all the fans of a friends-to-lovers arc. Secret Admirer is perfect for Aquarius because you like to be the only one whos’ seen a long-forgotten gem. Watch Secret Admirer (1985) on Amazon FreeVee.

Pisces: When Harry Met Sally (1989)

Columbia Pictures

Harry and Sally keep meeting every few years, and each time they grate on each others’ nerves. They both have different ideas of love and friendship and are the most incompatible duo around. Or are they? When Harry Met Sally is perfect for Pisces because you live for the epic slow-burn and grand statements of love. Watch When Harry Met Sally (1989) on HBO Max.

About the author

Trisha Bartle

Trisha’s your resident tarot reader, rom-com lover, and horror connoisseur. In addition to using her vast knowledge of all things cinema for Thought Catalog’s TV + Movies entertainment section, she also offers her astrological and tarot expertise to Collective World. Trisha splits her time between making art and being awesome.