Tony Fahkry

Self-empowerment author, expert speaker and coach.
Articles by
Tony Fahkry
Being Wanted Feeds The Ego, While Being Valued Nourishes Your Soul
Being wanted comes at a cost to our self-worth because we become accustomed to seeking praise instead of giving ourselves the validation we deserve.
When You Stop Trying To Get Something, You Become Open To Having It
The key to our happiness lies in accepting WHAT IS.
The Universe Doesn’t Take From You Without Giving You Something Better
When we are forced into a situation not of our choosing, we discover the essence of who we really are.
What’s Meant To Be Will Always Find Its Way To You
Whatever is meant for us will find its way to us, depending on our level of consciousness.
When You Accept The Things You Cannot Change, You’re Finally Free To Be Yourself
Acceptance allows you the freedom to be yourself, because when we’re consumed by pain and suffering, we are not our true selves.
To Fully Heal, We Must First Find Meaning In Our Trauma
Finding meaning in our trauma requires digging up the past and deciding what is worth keeping and what should be left behind.
When You Heal Yourself First, The Rest Will Fall Into Place
We create every experience through our thoughts. Therefore, if we wish to heal the past, we ought to concede that nothing is an accident but results from our thinking.
It’s Never Too Late To Rediscover Your Joy And Fall In Love With Being Alive
I want to ask you a question so simple you may not have asked it before: Are you happy being alive?
What You Should Know About Using The Power Of Gratitude For A Better Life
Gratitude is the unsung hero that is seldom mentioned in conversations, just like compassion or kindness because they are considered weaker human qualities.
Read This When You Are Consumed By Anger And Chaos You Have Lost Your Way
Anger and chaos cannot live in a peaceful mind because they oppose one another.
Even When All You See Is Darkness, There Is Always Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Have faith, nothing lasts forever.
You’re Unhappy Because You Can’t Let Go Of Your Past
We must release our hold of yesterday’s concerns and bring our awareness to the present moment, if we desire to seek contentment.
You’re Stuck Because You Don’t Know How To Change Your Life
The reason people tend to stay stuck in their circumstances, is because they expect change to come from outside of them, rather than from within.
If You Just Let Life Happen It Might Surprise You
Life will surprise you if are open to possibilities, without knowing how things will occur.
8 Stupidly Simple Ways To Find Happiness In The Little Things That Actually Matter
Happy people enjoy their work. They don’t pursue it for the money or fame but for the satisfaction it brings.
There Is A Purpose To Your Struggle, And It Will Be Worth It
embrace the struggle, the pain and the disappointment. By associating with it, you appreciate the goal or dream is real. The frustration, the heartache and misery is inviting you to reach higher.
Life Is A Mirror Reflecting Your Inner World
Personal development and self-improvement becomes the vehicle towards lasting change, if you are prepared to do the inner work.
Don’t Count On Motivation Because Discipline Is The Key
Discipline commands you tackle the work knowing it must be completed, regardless.
Success depends on discipline because motivation comes and goes.