
How Many Loves Do You Get In A Lifetime?

No matter how long time goes by or what the reason was for this love to end, it will always be special because it was your first.


Some people may think they will get one true love their whole life. Statistics show that you will fall in love between 2 and 7 times (depending on the source) before you get married. But these sources never go into detail about what type of love you will have.

You will have your first love that will shatter your heart to pieces and teach you many lessons. This will be the one you will compare all loves to because it was the first one you have to refer to. No matter how long time goes by or what the reason was for this love to end, it will always be special because it was your first.

There will be the love you have for friends that turns into more. This love is different because you will have already known the person for a while as a friend before having it turn into something more. This kind of love can be tricky because if you choose to pursue it, you could risk losing a friendship — but if you don’t pursue it, you will always wonder what could have happened.

Something to remember when thinking about if you really love a person or just lust for them is altering your perception of them. Is how you think of them really who that person is, or are you just imagining who you wish they were? I know that could sound dumb, but it happens and it could happen more than once. You have to be careful that you love the person for who they really are and are not just loving the person you are hoping they will be.

Lust is something to keep in mind as well. How many times can you find yourself infatuated with a person to no end, but only for a few weeks until either of you get bored? It happens quite often and experts say this is not love. According to experts, love is supposedly when you are with a person for more than three months — although as with everything in life, there are exceptions depending on the specific case.

Now your final love will be the one who you will be with for the rest of your life. This one will be the hardest because you will face the most difficulties in your life with this person. You will probably marry them and have kids or pets. You will face deaths of friends and family with them and go through money issues. You will have them to lean on and be there for them when they need you the most. Keeping the flame going after all those years might also be a challenge for some but not others, everyone has their own specific difficulties depending on the couple.

Most importantly when it comes to love, I don’t believe in fate but I do believe in choice. That may not seem as romantic although it is much more meaningful. Fate would mean that there is someone out there destined for you to meet, your perfect match. Choice means that you find someone to love on your own and you choose to stay with him or her even though they aren’t perfect. To find your final and most important love yourself and to promise to them that you will be their forever no matter what is something people take for granted these days. So when you do find your final love and you chose each other, that will be a big deal and not even something as big as fate can top that. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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