This Is How To Find Love In 2018, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Virgo: Allow your sense of pragmatism to have a say in your love life, but not full control over it. Be open with your heart. Tell your brain to shut up when it only wants to come up with reasons why something won't work.

(March 21st to April 19th)
Slow down. Enjoy the little moments. Stop letting yourself be intimidated by commitment. Don’t be afraid of little unhurried bits of time together, like a long and relaxed coffee date with no agenda. Call in sick to work and spend the day in bed, go exploring within your very own city, take a class together – find little adventures with the other person every single day.
(April 20th to May 21st)
Accept that you don’t already know everything about love. Be humble, but also have standards and know that you deserve a good person. Be okay with the fact that you’ll never be able to control the other person’s choices or feelings. Be patient. Be okay if it goes slow – that can be a very good thing.
(May 22nd to June 21st)
Remember that you don’t have to take everything so seriously. Listen and try to stay in the moment. Tell your brain to shut up sometimes, when it’s being negative or panicky or afraid. Breathe. Ask for what you want, look for what you want. Be honest with yourself first, and be honest with them second.
(June 22nd to July 22nd)
Know that you deserve the world. Be cautious with your heart but not paranoid. Walk away from the ones you can tell will put themselves first. Don’t worry about fixing anyone. Speak up when you feel something – when you’re hurt or giddy or falling – and don’t apologize for it.
(July 23rd to August 22nd)
Follow your gut instead of trying to follow a plan. Sign up for and show up to creative things that will introduce you to other creative people. Spend more time asking questions than you do talking about yourself. Remember that you can only control your own choices. Find joy and excitement in this fact, instead of frustration.
(August 23rd to September 22nd)
Allow your sense of pragmatism to have a say in your love life, but not full control over it. Take risks. Be open with your heart. Tell your brain to shut up when it only wants to come up with reasons why you shouldn’t go on a date with someone or why it won’t work out. Know that you’re interesting, and smart, and fun to talk to – don’t let yourself feel like you’re ever wasting someone’s time. Just give yourself the freedom to exist.
(September 23rd to October 22nd)
Do things because you want to do them. Stop trying to please everybody else. When you’re with someone, let yourself truly be with them in that moment, instead of thinking about all the other places you could or should be. Trust your instinct, trust your sense of decision-making. Make choices that will make you happy, and ignore what everyone else thinks.
(October 23rd to November 22nd)
Give yourself permission to be happy. Be who you are – don’t try to make yourself smaller to make someone else comfortable. Be conscious of your negative thoughts; the more conscious you are of them, the less free reign they have over your mind. Let yourself gravitate towards the people who make you laugh, and the ones who make love seem a little bit lighter than you’re used to.
(November 23rd to December 21st)
Make the first move. Take a risk. Decide to put yourself out there. Remember that you’re the one who has control over your love life, not anyone else. Be your happy and bright self, but when you find someone you connect with, don’t be afraid to also let them see the parts of you that are self-conscious and uncertain and scared.
(December 22nd to January 20th)
Give yourself permission to laugh. Remember that, yes, love should involve some practical thinking and some logic, but that also, a lot of the time it will not make sense. Make peace with this truth. Be silly. When you find someone who brings this silliness out of you, don’t let them go.
(January 21st to February 18th)
Open up, open up, open up. Don’t be almost-you. Don’t be you-with-a-wall-in-front. Let people see you. Be vulnerable. The only thing you’re protecting when you keep walls up is your own loneliness. Lean towards the one who makes you a little bit nervous, that usually means your heart is sensing something great.
(February 19th to March 20th)
Decide for yourself what you want. Decide for yourself that you deserve big love. Stop watching it happen to other people and assuming you’ll never have that. Believe you’ll have it, believe you deserve it. Ask questions, tell people when you’re interested in them, say ‘yes’ to dates even if you’re not sure yet if you’d like them. Go out. Do things. Remember that this is how the unexpected moments happen.