Find Someone Who Loves You And Your Flaws Unconditionally
Find someone who knows that you’re not perfect, and they’re not looking for perfect anyway.

Be who you are. Who you have always been.
Don’t try to hide away the parts of you that you’ve deemed ugly or un-pleasing.
Because the right person will come to deeply know all of your flaws and still love you unconditionally.
Because that’s what it means to love. You do it without condition. You take the good with the bad. And you know better than to think you can find someone who is flawless.
The truth is, those flaws are sometimes the most intriguingly beautiful parts of us.
So find someone who knows your flaws and still chooses to love you.
Someone who has accepted that no matter how much time you give yourself, you will always be late. For everything. For dates, for work, for birthday celebrations, for flights, and most definitely for your wedding day. Because you run on your own time, and they’d much rather you arrive late than never.
Someone who knows to cook or order extra even when you say you’re not hungry. Because without fail, you’ll be reaching over to their plate and munching away at their food.
Find someone who doesn’t get too mad at you when you spend your entire pay check on new clothes, when the both of you promised you’d start saving for your future together. Because we all have weaknesses, and they could never stay angry at you for more than a moment.
Someone who forgives you when you go out and get a little too drunk. For anything silly you might say or do under the influence; and of course, for all the times they’ve had to soothe you while you’re throwing up.
Someone who takes all of your nagging, because they know it’s coming from a good place, even if it’s damn annoying.
Find someone who knows better than to try to get you to open up and spill your feelings, when you’re in a bad mood and you’re simply not ready to. Someone who knows to let you mope around, with your own thoughts as company.
Someone who sees the slightly jealous streak that appears within you every now and then, and how your past experiences have made it hard for you to trust anybody. So they make it clear how much they love you, how committed they are, and how they’re not interested in anybody else. They don’t mind telling you where they’re going or what they’re doing or who they’re with, as long as your mind is at ease.
Someone who doesn’t resent you when you give them the silent treatment. Because they know you’re not doing it to be hurtful. They know you’re simply too upset right now to get any words out. And you’ll come to them when you’re ready.
Find someone who lives with your messiness. The way half of your closet always ends up strewn all over the floor, how you’re somehow unable to tidy up after yourself, leaving a storm trail behind wherever you go.
Someone who understands why you struggle to say good things to yourself.
Someone who gets why you question and criticize your appearance, and guilt-trip yourself for eating any kind of junk food. Because they know that someone along the way has made you feel like you’re not good enough, and they know it’s going to take a long time for you to finally learn to love who you are.
But they’ve got time. They’ve got all the time in the world for you.
Find someone who knows that you’re not perfect, and they’re not looking for perfect anyway.
And when you’re lucky enough to find someone who falls in love with your flaws, never let them go.