Shahida Arabi

Graduate of Columbia and Harvard
Bestselling Author
Published Researcher

     Shahida Arabi is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard University. She is a published researcher on narcissism and the bestselling author of Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare: How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself, featured as a #1 Amazon Bestseller for 16 consecutive months after its release, and Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse, featured as a #1 Amazon Bestseller in Applied Psychology. 

Her work has been featured on Salon, HuffPost, Inc., Bustle, Psychology Today, Healthline, VICE, NYDaily News and more.

Her latest book, The Highly Sensitive Person’s Guide to Dealing with Toxic People, is available in all major bookstores and has been translated into 16 languages. At Harvard, she conducted the first large-scale research study on PTSD and relationship partners with narcissistic and psychopathic traits.

In addition to being a high-traffic journalist featured on numerous popular magazines and websites as well as an internationally bestselling author, Shahida has eight years of extensive experience in marketing, content creation, editing, and bringing viral organic traffic for media brands and businesses across social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, and more. She is a sought after influencer and writer for brands related to wellness, psychology, health, education, and pop culture.


Table of Contents


Real love and compassion aren’t about forgiving and forgetting your way through numerous transgressions, violations or betrayals. The most compassionate thing you can do for a toxic person is to hold them accountable for changing their harmful behaviors – and the most compassionate thing you can do for yourself is letting them go if they do not.

Shahida Arabi, Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse

Articles by
Shahida Arabi

4 Movies About Toxic Limerence

When I first wrote about limerence back in 2018, many readers resonated with the idea of being in a “fantasy relationship” – becoming obsessed and fixated on a toxic relationship or “situationship” that is often unrequited, harmful, incompatible in some…

Why Men Disappear Even When They Want You

For the most part, a man disappearing or withdrawing attention from you after showing extreme interest and attraction sends a mixed signal but a clear one: they are not the one for you.

Signs Your Boyfriend Is Toxic

Toxicity exists on a spectrum, but there is a set of tell-tale behaviors that can point to a core lack of empathy, entitlement, and exploitativeness that can be harmful to relationships.