Sarah Schuster

Sarah Schuster is the mental health editor at The Mighty. She thinks every day should be a mental health day.
Articles by
Sarah Schuster
28 Things People With Mental Illness Want To Tell Their Friends, But Don’t
I’m sorry I cancel plans so often. It’s never your fault and I wish I could explain my anxiety and mental illness better.
34 Habits People Don’t Realize You Have Because Of Your Anxiety
I often end up talking to myself, trying to anticipate others’ responses as if we were actually having to conversation. It’s nice because I can talk through an issue without having to talk to anyone, but it stinks because I’ve gotten in the habit of just talking to myself all the time.
What I Really Mean When I Say ‘I’m Tired’
I’m done fighting all the time. Feeling like I’m losing a battle I’m never going to win.
21 Nervous Habits Only People With Social Anxiety Understand
Nail biting. Foot tapping. Hair twirling. These small signs of nervousness may sound familiar for someone who has social anxiety. But social anxiety isn’t just nervousness — so for people who have social anxiety, these “nervous habits” can manifest in ways we wouldn’t expect.
24 People Describe The Horrors Of Suffering A Panic Attack
“It’s like you’re stuffed into a small box and someone starts sucking out the air.” — Female