This Is What You’re Like As A Bridesmaid, Based On Your Zodiac Sign



(March 21st to April 19th)

You are super neat and organized, but also the fire cracker of the wedding. Not only you take charge very seriously of all the work load that has to be done, but you’re also a provider of great emotional support to your soon to be bride BFF. You make the calls, the cancellations, you set the tables with the planner and carefully keep all things in the right places. You’re a master in charge, and people are grateful to have someone like you.


(April 20th to May 21st)

You’re the main character. With your organizational skill and great attention to details, you could easily play the wedding planner out yourself. You want things to work out perfectly for your friends and you insist on impossible tasks sometimes, such as super high end dress fabrics, vintage China for the dinner party or Gardenias that have to be flown all across the country for the bouquet.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

You love being a bridesmaid. You find it as a fantastic opportunity to indulge in all kinds of girl talk, pep talk, pillow talk and other narratives that include leisure, fun, good food and a lot of cake tasting.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

You are sweet, considerate and want to please everyone. You’re probably having a hard time accomodating all the feels and thrills that come along with such a big event – in both yours and your friend’s life. You’d love to keep up with all the preparations and invest yourself more, but you simply become easily overwhelmed. You wish the bride didn’t yell so much at you.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

Boy, you cry. You cry and you weep and you make a fun mess out of yourself, but remember, Leo, it’s not your party this time, so you can’t cry whenever you want to. Your sign is all about capturing attention, but at a big wedding you’ll feel left out when everyone is rushing into preparations. You like to stand out nevertheless, so you’ll do your best to be an acceptable friend.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

You are energetic, vibrant and generous. You hold the best pep talk ever and your friends love you for that. At a wedding, you’re probably making your way through the crowd to assist the bride with walking in that huge dress without having anyone step on it, fixing the misplaced seating or making sure everyone’s in the right company.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

You’re a buzzing bee when it comes to everything creative and epicurean, but you just can’t keep yourself steady as a bridesmaid. You’re easily bored, so you look for momentary distractions, even if that means riding in cars with boys you’ve never met before or hitting it off with that bride’s sexy cousin who had been flirting you up all day.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

You’re calm, and collected, and you demand the same attitude from all the other bridesmaids. When the going gets rough, they know they can count on you to call for those last minute bouquets, supervise the cake, write down the bride’s emotional but comprehensive speech and generally act according to plan.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

You’re the adventurous bridesmaid. You’ll probably show up with freshly plucked flowers in your (now blue) hair, whimsically flirt with the best man, getting all giddy when the bouquet is thrown. To you, weddings are a fun, dazzling and amorous playground where you can swipe right a lot, eat plenty of delicious food and eventually split a joint with the bride when her feet hurt too much from dancing.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

You’re a conventional bridesmaid. You like things the classy way, and you take your role very seriously. You do a lot of one-on-one sessions with the bride, make your best to calm her anxieties, keep warm towels and Vicodin in your bag, order a massage therapist for her when the going gets tough.


(January 21st to February 18th)

As opposed to your free spirited, humanitarian, all-helpful nature, weddings make you a bit sick, Water Bearer. You’d rather watch the whole thing from afar instead of having to watch your BFF’s slowly degenerate into bridezillas, claiming their right to be noticed and accusing you of being a bad friend. You know they’ll be fine after all of it it’s done, but you just can’t participate. You’re allergic to weddings.


(February 19th to March 20th)

You’re the emotional bridesmaid. You are overly overwhelmed with the event in itself and can’t stop musing about your own wedding. You write your own speech for the bride and groom and top that sensible poetic statement with a glass of punch and a share of tears. You cry, you try. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Samantha King

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