Sabrina Bendory
Sabrina Bendory is a writer and entrepreneur. She is the author of You’re Overthinking It, a definitive book on dating and self-love.
Getting Over A Situationship Hurts More Than A Longterm Relationship
Getting over a situationship can be brutal… and the pain is often worse than the pain following a long-term relationship. But why? Why does it so hard to let go of something you never truly had?
6 Things To Stop Doing If You Are Looking For Love
Let’s talk about some habits and mindsets that are sabotaging you from getting the love you want. The path to finding love is filled with misconceptions thanks to movies and mainstream media.
5 Mindset Shifts To Halt Relationship Anxiety
In this day and age where “ghosting” has become an acceptable form of breaking up (maybe not acceptable, let’s go with widely practiced instead), with endless dating apps where a guy can find someone shiny and new with a few…
Signs You Lack Self-Love
Lack of self-love is probably the biggest hindrance to finding and having romantic love. When you don’t love yourself, how will you ever trust that anyone could actually love you?
Why Men Pull Away And Then Come Back
Let’s talk about why men pull away and then come back. It could be a guy you’re casually seeing, or maybe it’s your long-term partner.
How To Avoid A Breakup and Save Your Relationship
A breakup is quite possibly the most gutting, painful, agonizing experience one can go through.
How To Cope When He Ghosts You
Few things can send waves of panic coursing through a woman’s body quite like a man suddenly pulling away. Things started out so great.
5 Signs You Must Take A Break From Dating
Being on every dating app and cramming your schedule with dates for every night of the week isn’t always the most effective strategy when it comes to finding love … in fact, sometimes taking yourself out of the game and…
Why He Is Becoming Distant?
Almost every woman has experienced the panic and uncertainty that occur when her man starts pulling away or withdrawing.
Why You’re Drawn to Emotionally Unavailable Men
Do you find that you are mostly (or only!) drawn to emotionally unavailable men who can’t give you the commitment you want?
5 Things You Should Not Do When A Man Pulls Away
When a man starts to pull away or withdraw, a lot of women reflexively panic and do what they can to bring him back and get the relationship back on track.
When a Guy Likes You… You Just Need To Exist
My friend Ashley came to me in a tizzy one day. She was dating a very confusing man and needed help making sense of it all.
Why Do “Interested” Men Disappear
So you were dating a guy… or maybe still in the “talking phase” and he seemed super into you. And you like him too which makes it even better!
Reasons Why He Keeps Coming Back Into Your Life
Breakups are hard enough, but when your ex keeps coming back but doesn’t seem to want you back it can be crushing. It could be an ex-boyfriend or an ex-situation-whatever, either way it hurts and it messes with your mind.
The Best Relationship Advice No One’s Told You
I have been writing about relationships and giving relationship advice for over a decade now, which is kind of surreal and makes me feel very old.
Ways To Make Your Ex Regret Leaving You
If you’ve been dumped, it’s natural to want to make him regret his decision. I’m assuming you want to make him regret leaving you because you want him back.
Why The Guy You Want Don’t Want You
Ever notice that the guys you really want don’t seem to want you at the same level… and yet you easily and effortlessly attract the guys you don’t really want? It’s confusing and frustrating.
10 Behaviors That Can Destroy Relationships
Relationships fall apart all the time for various reasons — cheating, jealousy, distance, or sometimes it just isn’t a match. Sometimes, things are beyond our control.