Sabrina Bendory
Sabrina Bendory is a writer and entrepreneur. She is the author of You’re Overthinking It, a definitive book on dating and self-love.
When A Guy Likes You But Doesn’t Like You Enough
One of the most common areas that trips women up when it comes to relationships is the gray zone, the area where a guy shows interest but nothing really comes of it, and you just don’t know how he feels.…
7 Foolproof Ways To Be A Master At Relationships
Some people are just good at relationships. Other people are awful at them and live life on a seesaw of high hopes and crushing heartbreak and disappointment.
Here Is Why You’re Wrong About Playing Hard To Get
The men who end up committing intensely are the ones who see the woman as their partner, the woman who “gets” them, the woman who’s on their side, the woman they escape to, the woman they love being around, the…
These Are The Non-Negotiable Qualities That Make A Great Partner
I spent many, many years chasing damage cases and emotionally unavailable men (and many more years writing about these experiences and creating a career out of it!). I made the same mistake countless others make.
When The Guy Who ‘Doesn’t Want A Relationship’ Then Dates Someone Else
Meeting Eric was like getting hit by a freight train. I didn’t see it coming and it knocked the wind out of me.
The Best Advice I’ve Learned In Many Years Of Writing About Relationships
I have been writing about relationships for nearly 10 years now (man, that sentence really made me feel old!).
How To Truly Love Being Single
You know that expression the grass is always greener on the other side? Well, it’s so obnoxiously true! When I was single, I desperately craved a steady relationship.
The True Reason Why Breakups Are Emotionally Devastating
Why are breakups so hard? Every day, in my inbox, on my Facebook and Instagram accounts, and in person from my friends, I am hit with stories of heartbreak and emotional devastation.
The One Thing Women Get Wrong About Men
I’m going to share a story because I find stories to be the best way to illustrate a point. Years ago, I met a guy who I thought was absolutely perfect for me.
How I Overcame My Addiction To Falling For Damage Cases
Hi, my name is Sabrina and I’m a recovering Damage Case addict. What’s that you ask? OK let’s back up. I’m going to share a story, my favorite way to illustrate a point.
How To Get Over The Guy You Never Really Had
I think getting over a guy you never actually dated is harder than getting over a breakup. At least with someone you were in a relationship with, you were there.
Ways To Recover From Being ‘Ghosted’ With Your Self-Esteem Intact
Ghosting is the new “calling” to break up with someone. Isn’t it funny that calling to break up was once considered bad form?
How To Overcome Relationship Anxiety
Here’s what ruins relationships more than anything else. It’s not what you look like, it’s not that you texted him back too quickly or used too many emojis… it’s stressing over the relationship.
5 Things I Miss The Most About Dating My Husband
I’ve been writing about relationships for nearly a decade now, and my life has shifted dramatically during that time.
If He Doesn’t Want You… Stop Working to Convince Him Otherwise
If a man doesn’t want you, you should never have to plead your case and convince him otherwise. Storytime!
7 Behaviors That Scare Guys Off
The one thing I’ve noticed over the years as a relationship writer is that most women have no idea how they’re coming across to men.
5 Signals That Push Guys Away
Let’s talk about how you might unintentionally be pushing guys away and turning them off.
How To Redeem Yourself After Acting Too Needy
We’ve all been there. You’re seeing a guy… a guy you really like.