Sabrina Bendory
Sabrina Bendory is a writer and entrepreneur. She is the author of You’re Overthinking It, a definitive book on dating and self-love.
When You Feel An Intense Pull Toward Someone… Beware!
Have you ever felt an intense pull toward someone before you even really knew them? You meet, maybe you even speak, and you’re consumed with the desire to have this person. You need them.
What It’s Actually Like To Be In A Relationship With A Narcisisst
The term narcissist has entered the common vernacular and is casually thrown around everywhere from casual conversations to TikTok videos. But most people aren’t getting it right.
He Says He Needs Space, This Is What To Do
Few things are as frightening or nerve-wracking as a man needing space.
13 Signs That He’s Playing Mind Games
No one wants to be be played with. That’s a major fear that causes people to put up walls, preventing them from getting the love they truly want because love can’t flourish behind a plastic wall.
13 Signs That He Is Not Serious About You
It’s hard to admit when a guy isn’t serious about you, especially when you really like him. Usually, you’ll feel it in your gut but you’ll avoid facing it.
How To Stay Strong When A Man Pulls Away
When a man is withdrawing and pulling away, try these tips. When a man starts pulling away or withdrawing or acting cold toward you… it’s hard not to panic. It’s hard not to blame yourself: What did I do?
How To Know If He Really Likes You…
How to tell if a guy really likes you — and what to do about it.
5 Unexpected Qualities That Make Him Pursue You
A quick guide on making him fall for you. Have you noticed how certain women seem to have all the luck with men? They don’t really seem to do anything, and people are just drawn to them.
12 Things You Should Never Say To A Man
Let’s go over some landmine phrases you should never say.
After a Breakup, You Need To Follow The No Contact Rule
The no contact rule is the only way when you’re breaking up. Whether you want to get over him or you want to get him back, after a breakup, you must follow the no-contact rule. Storytime!
How To Get Over A Man
A very simple guide explaining how to get over a breakup and all the tips you’ll need to get over a guy.
The Right Way to Have ‘What Are We?’ Talk
What are we? Where is this going? I will never forget the first time I had “The Talk.” Well, it wasn’t technically the first time, but it was the first time it really mattered to me.
The Truth About Getting Out Of The ‘Friend Zone’
Let’s talk about getting out of the “friend zone.” I get a lot of questions about this topic … usually from women trying to escape the friend zone and enter the relationship zone.
How To Play The Relationship Game Without Getting Crushed
Love has the potential to produce massive pain or pleasure. We risk the pain in the hopes of gaining that pleasure but most of the time, it all goes awry.
The Only Quality That Matters In A Guy
The reason why so many women struggle to get the relationship they want is that they go after guys who are simply incapable of ever giving it to them.
The Number One Sign You Are Dating An Emotional Psychopath
One of the biggest hindrances to having a loving, healthy, happy relationship is choosing the wrong guy to be in a relationship with.
This Is Truly Why You’re Not Girlfriend Material
Some of my articles are sweet and nice, others cut straight to the point and bring you truths you may not want to hear but could really benefit from. This article is the latter.
How To Recover From Being Cheated On
I lurched awake suddenly at 3 am. I instinctively reach for my phone. No missed calls, no texts. He didn’t call me back. He always calls me back. He’s cheating on me. He’s with a girl right now.