Sabrina Bendory

Relationship Coach
Bestselling Author
Sabrina Alexis Bendory is a pioneering blogging entrepreneur who is globally recognized as a dating and relationship expert. She co-founded the website A New Mode, where she wrote relatable and insightful articles about relationship dynamics that have helped millions of women achieve the love they desire. Today, Sabrina is one of the most authoritative and popular sources for dating advice on TikTok and Instagram. She also publishes weekly columns on relationships for Thought Catalog and is sought after life coach. Her best-selling book, You're Overthinking It: Find Lifelong Love By Being Your True Self, was published in 2023 by Thought Catalog Books and is the ultimate guidebook to life and dating.
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Popular Essays

Signs You’re A Toxic Person, And How To Fix it!

The Mystery Of Why The Men You’re Attracted To, Don’t Feel The Same

Collective World
The Toxic Trait Each Zodiac Must Address
The fact is, everyone can be a little toxic some of the time… for other people, it’s a lot of the…
You’re Still Single, Here’s Why (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)
Aries — Too impatient. You don’t wait for things to happen, you try to make things happen. You want love and…
Your Toxic Trait, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
The fact is, everyone can be a little toxic some of the time… for other people, it’s a lot of the…
5 Zodiacs That Overthink In Relationships
We’re all guilty of overthinking on occasion… and it rarely leads anywhere good. But some people have a much harder time…
Articles by
Sabrina Bendory
Blake Lively’s Cancellation And The Human Lessons We Can’t Ignore
Blake Lively is experiencing both highs and lows with her latest project. The good news? Her new movie “It Ends With Us” has been a significant hit at the box office.
8 Tough Dating Lessons Everyone Learns Sooner Or Later
I’ve been a relationship writer and coach for over 15 years and the precursor to my career was being an absolute and utter dating disaster.
Read This if Anxiety Is Sabotaging Your Relationship
Anxiety is a pervasive problem in general, and of course, it’s going to come out in relationships because relationships hit every emotional sore spot inside of us and there is a lot at stake.
5 Signs You’re Emotionally Blocked
When it comes to relationships, many of us have patterns and habits that can keep us from fully opening up to the love we crave.
Why Men Pull Away From You
Why do men pull away in the early stages?
10 Signs He’s Losing Interest In You
You know the feeling … it’s that palpable shift that you can’t quite put your finger on, it just hangs in the air sending waves of panic throughout your being.
12 Red Flags He Doesn’t Want To Commit To You
While we all know some men are only interested in hooking up, it’s not always as clear which men those are! Some guys are super upfront about what they want. Others either accidentally or purposefully send mixed messages.
11 Toxic Red Flags To Run From
Bad relationships happen to the best of us. We don’t mean to get into these toxic situations, it’s just hard to see beyond the blinding lights of lust and what we mistake as love.
13 Ways To Charm Someone & Improve Your Dating Life
“It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious.” – Oscar Wilde Everybody wants to be charming.
6 Signs It’s Time To Break It Off
There’s a saying that goes, you can never recycle wasted time, and oh how true that is. No one intends to get into a dead-end relationship.
12 Subtle Signs You’re In A Toxic and Emotionally Abusive Relationship
The signs of physical abuse are pretty cut and dried because they always involve unwanted bodily contact or physical force of some kind that’s meant to harm or intimidate.
Still Love Your Ex? Here Are Steps To Help You Move On
Nothing can hinder your future happiness like staying stuck in the past. This goes for every aspect of your life but is especially true of relationships.
He Stopped Chasing Me, Why? And Now What?
Here is what to do when he stops chasing you… So the guy you’ve been seeing suddenly isn’t chasing you anymore… he seems less interested… you don’t feel like a priority… and you’re panicking and don’t know what’s going on…
How To Flirt With Him
Let’s talk about the art of flirting. Now some people have the upper hand because they are naturally charismatic which easily crosses over to being a skilled flirter (these people are usually Libras, just saying!).
He’s Being Hot & Cold: Reasons Why & What To Do
Let’s talk about men going hot and cold. Is there anything more unsettling and frustrating? You’re seeing a guy, everything seems to be going great, he seems super into you … and then he’s not. Something suddenly shifts.
How To Stop Obsessing Over Someone Else
Why we become obsessed and how to stop the obsessive loop! Have you ever met someone and become utterly obsessed with them almost instantaneously?
6 Reasons You’re Stuck in a Bubble of Emptiness
And a lot of people struggle with feelings of emptiness, numbness, and isolation that they can’t shake. For some, it’s fleeting. For others, it’s constant. A lot of people cope by playing the as soon as game.
15 Harsh Signs He’s Never Going to Marry You
When you’re dating someone, eventually you’ll have to ask: is this relationship just for now, or is it forever? Marriage is a big deal, it is the ultimate commitment, and not everyone wants to get married.