Loving You Scares The Hell Out Of Me, But You Make It Worth It

Letting yourself fall in love can be one of the hardest things you do.

It’s not easy to let your guard down and to just let yourself feel so vulnerable in front of someone.

It’s not easy to let yourself feel like you need someone and to let yourself want someone so much.

It’s not easy to let yourself trust someone so much. It’s not easy to let yourself think about someone all the time and to let them occupy that space in your mind and your life.

It’s not easy to let someone in, to just let someone break down all these walls you kept on building around you.

It’s not easy to love and to let yourself be loved by someone and take the risk of getting hurt.

It’s not easy to share your most intimate thoughts with someone; It’s just not that easy to let yourself feel so exposed in front of someone.

It’s not easy to let yourself get so used to someone and to just allow yourself to get so attached to them.

It’s not easy to include someone in the picture while thinking about your future. It’s just not easy to want to include someone in your life so much.

It’s not easy to lose yourself in the tiny, beautiful details of the person in front you.

It’s not easy to stop yourself from overthink everything for a while and to just let your emotions lead; it’s scary. It’s terrifying, actually.

Loving you scares the hell out of me but every single day you make it worth it. To love you and to be loved by you is such a beautiful thing that it’s worth taking these risks every single day. No matter how things end, it will always be worth it.

About the author

Rowan Abdelmeguid

I want to write about you, me, and all of us.