7 Important Life Lessons I’ve Learned From ‘Gilmore Girls’
Believe it or not, our favorite women from Stars Hollow have been entertaining us, making us laugh, and making us cry for 25 years!
Gilmore Girls was released in October 2000 and sadly ended airing new episodes in May 2007. That, however, doesn’t stop us all from binging and re-binging all episodes and seasons to just feel something. There’s also really something about Stars Hollow that makes even the truest city people want to move to a small town. Even though the show has ended, every time I rewatch Gilmore Girls, I find myself learning something new and taking those valuable lessons to heart. If you haven’t seen Gilmore Girls before, please let Lorelai and Rory guide you through the ups and downs of this mostly wonderful and sometimes turbulent life. Here are 7 things that Gilmore Girls has taught me going into adulthood.
Coffee Is the Solution To Everything
There is rarely an episode that goes by where Lorelai and Rory don’t want to head over to Luke’s to grab a coffee. Do they have tons of things they should be doing? Probably, but the best way to get anything done is by drinking coffee. It’s a central connection between Lorelai, Rory, and Luke and sometimes grabbing that coffee solves a problem. When in doubt, always coffee.
Enjoy The Little Things
One thing I love is how Lorelai and Rory always prioritized comfort food and participating in their small-town community. The dynamic duo was always there to help out a friend, get involved in a good cause, and take the time to enjoy delicious foods and treats whenever they wanted. Life is too short to be restrictive and we really all should stop and smell the flowers sometimes.
Settling Is Not The Answer
One thing Lorelai does very well is not fall victim to societal norms. She isn’t doing anything that her parents want her to do or anything that her friends think she should do. She does exactly what fulfills her and makes her happy, and teaches Rory to do the same. A life worth living isn’t a life spent catering to the needs and desires of others, but one where you choose what is for you.
Grieving Breakups Is Necessary
Please, grab that pint of ice cream and cry excessively on the couch while watching the saddest romance movie ever. Gilmore Girls teaches us that this process is a rite of passage and is the most necessary step to getting over any heartache.
Smash The Patriarchy Any Chance You Get
One of my favorite tidbits from the show is when Rory says how Lorelai was named after her great-grandmother. Emily Gilmore decided as she was lying in the hospital bed that since men can name their sons after their fathers, she could also name her daughter after her mother. And that’s on feminism, everyone!
A Good Gossip Session Cures All
It doesn’t matter who you are, how old you are, or what opinions you have, if I’ve learned anything from Gilmore Girls it’s that sometimes you just gotta yap with a group of people. Gossip, yap, sip, and snack are the four horsemen of the Stars Hollow Apocalypse.
Deviled Egging A Car Can Heal You
Sometimes being the bigger person gets you nowhere. When you don’t want to be the bigger person and you have deviled eggs, those things can level the playing field. They’re also a good snack if you get hungry while smashing them on a car.