Rezzan Hussey

Rezzan is a writer, editor and Certified Health Coach. Visit her blog!
Articles by
Rezzan Hussey
5 Key Things To Bear In Mind When Choosing A Life Partner (From Someone Who Knows)
No one is guaranteed, or entitled to, relationship success. However, we give ourselves the greatest chance of that when we know ourselves to the best degree possible. Including all the ugly stuff.
This Is The Song Of Your Enneagram Type (So You Can Actually Figure Out Which One You Are)
Type Four – the Romantic. Fours can be a little…melodramatic. It’s not their fault Nobody understands them.
This Is How To Let Others Help You Even If You Are Fiercely Independent
So how do we know when dependence levels are healthy and we have attained that holy grail of all things – balance? How about when we are able to allow ourselves be supported without feeling excessively vulnerable?