Brooke Shemaria

Here’s The Truth: They’re Just Not Interested In You

If they take days to reply to your texts or don’t reply at all — they’re not interested in you.


Here’s a list of truths I wish someone would have told me five years ago:

If they take days to reply to your texts or don’t reply at all — they’re not interested in you.

If they leave you on read but update their social media – they’re not interested in you.

If they don’t call, even just to check in and see how you are — they’re not interested in you.

If they forget your birthday and then come up with a bucket load of excuses — they’re not interested in you.

If they constantly refer back to their ex — they’re not interested in you.

If they’re hell-bent on living the single life — they’re not interested in you.

If they don’t want to meet your friends — they’re not interested in you.

If they don’t want you to meet their friends — they’re not interested in you.

If they don’t ask questions about your life — they’re not interested in you.

If they don’t tell you things about their life — they’re not interested in you.

If they only speak to you when they want to have sex with you — they’re not interested in you.

If they only have sex with you when they’re drunk — they’re not interested in you.

If they say “should we just keep this between us’ after you have sex with them — they’re not interested in you.

If they can always find a psychobabble rationale about who “I am” or “you are” or “we are” as a reason why you can’t be together — they’re not interested in you.

If they have said for more than six months that they would like to be with you “BUT” — they’re not interested in you.

And if you still need convincing — think of it this way. Think of what the real day-to-day of life is taken up by…..

Life is birthday parties at shitty pubs. Life is losing your credit card at an extremely inappropriate time. It’s work fundraisers, hen’s nights, bucks’ nights and weddings. It’s sitting on the phone for three hours to get international festival tickets and not realizing that your battery had died. It’s the apartment upstairs flooding your unit, it’s interval training, calorie counting and forever being on a mission to get “Summer ready”. It’s the Uber-eats driver that you’ve been watching circle your apartment block for the past for the past 20 minutes with your meal. It’s the track-works that just so happens to be on the one day you need to catch a train #thankscityfail.

Your family pets die, cars crashes happen, bin liners break leaving you to pick up disgusting pieces of rubbish. Contracts end, glasses break, football teams lose. Divorce happens and so do earthquakes. Landlords put rent up, phones get stolen and the supermarket often completely runs out of my favorite dip.

Now, taking all of the above into account can you sincerely tell me you have enough spare energy to pursue someone who isn’t interested in you? Do you really want to waste any more time on top of all of that? No. Me neither. So give it up my friend. It’s totally not worth the headache.

Delete their number. Don’t go on any more dates with them. Stop creeping on their Facebook page to see if there’s any hidden messages or clues in their posts, unfollow them on Instagram and for the love of god stop checking to see if they’ve watched your Snapchat story.

This may seem like a LOT of harsh truths but a little bit of tough love isn’t always a bad thing, I’m only telling you this because I wish someone would have told me five years ago. Thought Catalog Logo Mark