This Is How A Strong Woman Heals Her Broken Heart Differently
She will forgive herself little by little and eventually opens up her heart for the next person who’ll come along.

I guess we all agree upon the facts that a strong woman barely wins in a relationship and she is perpetually getting broken hearted. For a strong woman, love is something sacred when she has to give her all or nothing and no in between.
She will meet you halfway as she will love you with all of her heart. She loved and loved until she forgot that she has been taken for granted by someone who didn’t understand how to love her right.
Then her heart ends up being broken over and over again.
When the heart of a strong woman gets broken, the first thing that she will do is blame no one but herself. She won’t even blame the person who broke it. She will ask herself why she trusted that person in the first place and why she didn’t believe in her own intuition instead. She will analyze why she fell for this person and how she could ignore the very first sign of heartbreak.
She will cry her heart out at night in an effort to keep anyone from hearing her sobbing and when the morning comes, she will be the woman she used to be. She will finish all of her tasks and responsibilities like nothing happened and, “I’m okay” will be her automatic reply for everyone who asks her.
When she’s ready, she will begin to talk about her pain to one or two of her loved ones. She won’t share her pain with everyone because she’s not an attention seeker and she knows that she will be alright sooner or later.
When her heart gets broken, don’t ever think that she will ask someone else to fix it; she knows it could only be fixed by no one but her.
As she starts to heal and get up once again, she will try to see the bright side one step at a time. Although it’s difficult, she will turn her pain into something more meaningful to her life as she starts to write, paint, read, exercise, or help others instead of mourning her loss.
She totally understands that she shouldn’t enjoy her pain and she needs to move on.
She will make her pain as her main fuel to achieving her goals and pursuing her deepest passion. She won’t have any intention to seek revenge as she believes that karma exists.
When a strong woman gets broken-hearted, she will look for life lessons instead of drama.
She will try her best to forgive the person who broke her heart, but she won’t ever forget what they’ve done to her. Her heartbreak will make her understand more about her own needs and expectations when it comes to loving someone.
One thing is for sure: a strong woman won’t go back to the person who broke her heart because she understands that she can’t get happiness from the same place she lost it.
But, when a strong woman gets broken hearted, it will be so difficult for her to forgive herself as she never stops blaming herself for her own mistakes. For giving her heart to the wrong person and for believing in an illusion of someone instead of the reality. It will take a long time for her to accept the fact that she has made a huge mistake in her life.
She will be scared to fall in love and trust again. She will build her walls up again and it will be a long time before she will open up and be vulnerable and open to the idea of of falling in love.
But, a strong woman completely understands that she can’t be scared forever and she knows that love will always be accompanied by the risk of being broken.
Thus, she will forgive herself little by little and eventually opens up her heart for the next person who’ll come along.
When a strong woman gets broken-hearted, instead of it making her any weaker, it makes her stronger than she could ever imagine.