I’m Giving All My Problems To God
I’m handing God everything I can’t handle. I’m giving God everything I don’t understand.
Rania Naim
I’m giving him my weaknesses. I’m giving him all the problems I can’t solve and all the hardships I can’t handle. I’m giving him everything on my plate because it’s getting too heavy to carry by myself. I’m handing him all my problems because I’m done trying to pretend like I can solve them all or figure it all out. I’m done trying to pretend like I don’t need him and his guidance. I’m done trying to depend on people when he’s the only one I should really depend on. He’s the only one who can truly rescue me.
I’m working on myself but I also need him to tell me what to do. I need him to guide me. I need him to show me if I’m on the right track and I need him to tell me when to stop, when to go and when to start over.
I’m giving God my future because I don’t think I know what’s right for me anymore. I don’t think I understand how the universe works. I don’t think I have enough wisdom to know which path is right for me.
I want to follow the path God has for me. I want to follow his directions. I want to go wherever he wants me to go not where I want to go. I want him to show me where I belong because I’m just a lost soul right now.
I’m giving God my fears because I can’t sleep at night when I’m thinking about everything that could possibly wrong. I can’t enjoy my life when I’m so afraid of tomorrow or what it may bring. I’m giving God my fears because I need him to give me the faith I need to be content. I need him to make me feel safe. I need his security so I can venture into the unknown with open arms.
I’m handing God everything I can’t handle. I’m giving God everything I don’t understand. I’m giving all my burdens to God because I’m falling and he’s the only one who can catch me.
I’m relying on God to get me through all the anxiety, the confusion and the pain. I’m done trying to act like I know what I’m doing. I’m done trying to carry everything and act like it’s not burdening me.
I’m giving all my problems to God because he’s the only who can give me the solution. He’s the only one who can give me the right answer. He’s the only one who can truly fix my life and fix me.