Walk Away From The Person Who Confuses You
Jack Antal

Walk Away From The Person Who Confuses You

Walk away from the people who confuse you because that only means they’re confused about you and you deserve someone who knows for sure.


Walk away from the person who makes you feel special one day and totally worthless the next day. Walk away from the person who thinks loving you is a temporary decision or something they could take lightly. Walk away from the person who makes you wonder instead of giving you the answers you need. Walk away from someone who doesn’t know what he/she wants, especially when it comes to you.

Walk away from the boy who only texts you when it’s convenient for him and doesn’t try to check up on you or see how you’re doing. Walk away from the boy who only sees you as a placeholder or someone to kill time with. Walk away from the boy who can’t see your worth from the beginning.

Walk away from the girl who is only using you to make her ex jealous or the girl who only calls you when she needs someone to stroke her ego. Walk away from the girl who only wants your attention instead of your love. Walk away from the girl who makes you feel like you’ll never be important her. Like she’ll never see you the way you see her.

Walk away from the boy who knows you want more than friendship but is still friendzoning you because he likes the fact that a girl like you is all over him and would do anything for him. Walk away from the boy who will never be in a relationship with you but expects you to give him all the ‘girlfriend benefits.’ Walk away from the boy who keeps telling you he’s busy and he has no time for you. Walk away from the boy who’s not over his ex and is waiting for her to be single again.

Walk away from the girl who doesn’t support you because she doesn’t care about your dreams and ambitions, she’s only interested in what you can do for her. Walk away from the girl who keeps rejecting you time and time again because she has feelings for someone else. Walk away from the girl who comes to you for relationship advice knowing that you have feelings for her. Walk away from the girl who keeps breaking your heart while pretending to be your ‘best friend.’

Walk away from the people who confuse you. Dating and relationships are hard but we make them harder when we go after people who don’t want us or people who made it clear one way or another that they’re not looking for the same things we’re looking for. We make it harder when we try to change the way people see us instead of accepting the reality that this is how they see us. Finding someone who’s on the same page is easier than changing someone who’s not.

Walk away from the people who confuse you because that only means they’re confused about you and you deserve someone who knows for sure.

You deserve someone who desires you and wants you the same way you want them because this is how you start something meaningful. This is the foundation you need to build a strong relationship. You need this balance or else you’ll spend most of your time wondering if you’re enough, if they’ll leave you or if they’re talking to someone else and you deserve to be the only one. Thought Catalog Logo Mark