This Is Why She Doesn’t Get Attached Anymore
God & Man

This Is Why She Doesn’t Get Attached Anymore

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she’s tired of people pulling away, people changing their minds, people leaving, people not knowing what they want or what they’re looking for.


She doesn’t get attached because she simply learned that attachment is the root of all evil. It makes her cling to things she should release. It makes her chase people that are wrong for her. It makes her go after things that are probably not meant for her. It clouds her logic and her judgment because she’s holding on due to fear rather than conviction.

She doesn’t get attached because she learned that not everything is hers to keep. She knows that there are blessings in letting go and in goodbyes and in releasing whatever was holding her back. She knows that the more she is attached to something and afraid of losing it, the more she will push it away because she’s only focused on receiving rather than giving.

She doesn’t get attached because she knows that people eventually leave. They don’t always mean what they say. They don’t always keep their promises. They don’t always come back. They don’t always love her forever, and even if they do, love is sometimes not enough to keep a relationship going. She knows that getting attached too soon will always end in disappointment. She knows that people change their minds overnight.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she’s tired of people pulling away, people changing their minds, people leaving, and people not knowing what they want or what they’re seeking.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she realized that one-sided attachment hurts. One-sided attachment always brings her pain. One-sided attachment makes her love herself a little less and makes her forget her own worth. She realized that when she gets attached she loses herself, and she vowed never to lose herself for anyone again.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she’s learning to let go, she’s learning to move on, and she’s learning that it doesn’t always have to be her way. She’s learning that her heart is not always right and attraction can be blind. She’s slowly learning to detach from everything that makes her question herself or her love.

She doesn’t get attached, but she still knows how to love. She’s finally accepting that they’re not the same. She’s finally learning that if you really love someone, maybe releasing them is the ultimate expression of love—it means letting them be who they truly want to be or letting them be with the partner they’ve always wanted. She’s finally learning that if she’s meant to be with someone, they’ll both kind of attach to each other by default, like a magnet, without anyone pushing or pulling, without anyone detaching and without any need to control one another.

She doesn’t get attached anymore because she’s finally learning that everything is temporary and maybe the whole point of love is just to enjoy it while it lasts instead of trying to cling to it forever. Thought Catalog Logo Mark