The Best Revenge Is Self-Love
The best revenge is not caring what other people think; not letting their actions affect you, not seeing yourself through their eyes, not trying so hard to impress them and learning that they're not superior just because they have things you don’t have.
Rania Naim
The best revenge is working on yourself. Forget about getting even, forget about giving them a taste of their own medicine, forget about making them regret the day they hurt you. Let karma handle that because I can assure you that it certainly will, just focus on becoming a better version of yourself. Learn how to forgive people who were not sorry, learn how to let all your negative emotions or anger fuel you to do something more productive, to replace that kind of energy with something that will actually be good for you. Like exercise, a creative project, or just trying out something new so you can distract yourself.
The best revenge is not caring what other people think; not letting their actions affect you, not seeing yourself through their eyes, not trying so hard to impress them and learning that they’re not superior just because they have things you don’t have.
There’s only one you and that should be enough for you and for the ones who truly love you. There’s only one you and it’s going to be the project you’re stuck with for the rest of your life. You will always be the only qualified person to work on this project. You are your own masterpiece and not everyone is going to agree on your art or appreciate it and you shouldn’t expect them to anyway, but it should never stop you from finishing and perfecting this masterpiece.
The best revenge is learning to let go rather than hold on. Letting go is truly liberating and it shows that you have faith in God and the universe. Sometimes when we don’t feel good about ourselves, we hold on to things that could sabotage our happiness or people who don’t really value us or love us. But when you learn how to let go of situations or people that are making your life more difficult than it should be, it means that you’ve reached a healthy level of self-love because you’re letting go even though you don’t have any backup, you don’t know what’s next but you’re not afraid. You feel like the universe is looking out for you, you’re confident in your abilities to start over or find someone better. You have learned how to be strong, courageous and not afraid of the unknown. You know that you can handle whatever comes your way.
The best revenge is loving who are now until you become the person you want to be. Loving your imperfect self. Learning from your mistakes. Knowing that you’re not defined by them or by your past. Loving your journey with its ups and downs. Learning that everyone who couldn’t love you is also fighting their own battles and confused about their own journey. Believing that you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be and focusing on making the best out of the life you’ve been given instead of hating yourself for not living the life you want to live.
The best revenge is learning how to be content and happy, even if the odds are against you.