Katy Belcher

Spend More Time With People Who Make Everything Seem Possible

Spend more time with the hopeless romantics. The ones who think you can be with the one you truly love. The ones who believe that old lovers come back and love changes people and love conquers all.


Katy Belcher

Spend more time with the eternal optimists. The ones who believe that things will happen against all odds. The ones who believe that fairy tales exist and dreams come true. The ones who don’t tell you to quit or move on when things get hard. The ones who tell you that you can be and do everything you want and more. The ones who see life through rose-colored glasses and they see the rainbow in every storm.

Spend more time with the hopeless romantics. The ones who think you can be with the one you truly love. The ones who believe that old lovers come back and love changes people and love conquers all. The ones who tell you not to settle. The ones who encourage you to say how you feel and tell the people you love that they matter. The ones who tell you that it’s perfectly normal to care more and love more and have ‘smitten’ written all over your face.

Spend more time with the rebels. The ones who tell you to take that risk or go to this country or send that text. The ones who tell you you’ll never know until you try. The ones who tell you to forget about the rules. The ones who tell you to follow your heart even if the outcome is not in your favor. The ones who push you to be impulsive and spontaneous and live with no regrets.

Spend more time with the lovers. The ones who love too much. The ones who give their all and then some. The ones who wear their hearts on their sleeves. The ones who spread love and kindness like confetti. The ones who love to laugh and dance and sing their lungs out. The ones who always yes to crazy ideas. The ones who don’t care about what others think because they are too busy loving their decisions and learning from them.

Spend more time with the people who make you want to believe in good things again. People who make you think positively when all the odds are against you. People who make you want to give out even more love when your heart is broken. People who make you want to chase your dreams and make them happen because they know that you’re capable of doing it. People who help you love yourself, your decisions and your life even if it’s all falling apart.

Spend more time with people who embrace the chaos, embrace the unknown, embrace the unfamiliar and make things seem possible. They make things look easy and make life a little brighter just because they know things will eventually work out. Things will fall into place. Things won’t always be dark and grey because life is beautiful and vivid and can sometimes be full of wonderful surprises. Thought Catalog Logo Mark