Forgive Yourself For The Times You Let Yourself Down

Xan Griffin

Forgive yourself for the times you weren’t the person you needed to be.

Forgive yourself for the times you disappointed those you love because you weren’t there for them or you didn’t take the path they wanted you to take or you didn’t listen to their advice. Forgive yourself for the lessons you chose to learn your own way. For the path you had to create for yourself. For taking a chance without getting everyone’s approval. This is how you build character. This is how you set yourself apart from others. This is how you become your own unique individual.

Forgive yourself for all the words you didn’t say.

Whether because you were scared or confused or afraid of looking weak. Forgive yourself for the moments of silence that lingered when you could have said something. Forgive yourself for not being able to save yourself or others from certain situations because you didn’t have the courage to speak up. This is how you learn to use your voice. This is how you learn the power of words. This is how you learn that silence won’t save you.

Forgive yourself for the times you failed to achieve a certain goal.

Forgive yourself for not being rich or married or famous or skinny by a certain age. Forgive yourself for thinking things were easier than they actually are. Forgive yourself for not knowing any better. You cannot always make things happen at a certain time. This is how you learn patience. This is how you learn the importance of faith. This is how you learn the art of waiting.

Forgive yourself for the times you forgot your own worth.

When you stayed in a relationship you shouldn’t have been in, when you gave a person a fourth chance to break your heart, when you let people get away with treating you like you were not important, when you believed the lies people told you about yourself and the times you let others dictate your value and your self-worth. This is how you learn who you really are. This is how you learn to love yourself. This is how you learn that you’re important and you are enough even if no one sees it. This is how you learn to live without anyone’s validation. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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