I Promise To Be Real With You 

Eric Froehling

I can’t convince you to love me but I can promise to be real with you.

I promise to answer all your questions and share with you all the details. I promise to show you my vulnerability and my strength. I promise to walk you through every single step of my journey and explain to you how I became who I am today.

I promise to show you the words I still can’t publish. The words I still can’t share with the world. I promise to let you read it all. What I wrote when I was scared, what I wrote when I was broken and what I wrote when I was in love. I’ll let you read all my secrets. I’ll be an open book to you.

I promise to be your best friend. The one you can talk to about anything, the one who will always tell you the truth, not just what you want to hear. The one who will love you no matter what and the one who won’t judge you for your past. I promise to be the friend who makes the pain a little easier, the road more fun and makes you want to be a better person. I promise to always be there for you when you need me and I promise to always make your nights less lonely and your days less rainy.

I promise to fill all the empty veins in your heart and ease the restless thoughts in your head. I promise to fill the void that creeps up on you at 2 PM on a random Tuesday when you feel like everything is great but something is still missing. I promise to love you when you’re fierce and adore you when you’re fragile. I promise to show you your own light and how it brightens the world of those around you. I promise to love you bravely and fearlessly and show you how ethereal you really are.

I promise to be real with you because I’ve been lying to everyone and now I’m over it. Now, I want to show you everything and tell you everything, and if you can’t take it, then I’ll be okay with you leaving. But at least when I look back, I can say that I showed you who I really am. I showed you all of me and it just wasn’t enough for you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Rania Naim is a poet and author of the new book All The Words I Should Have Said, available here.


About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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