You Were Not Made For Inconsistent Hearts

You were made for sturdy hearts that lock you in once they’ve found you. You were made for hearts that know how to keep precious hearts like yours safe and protected.


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You were not made for hearts that don’t know how to love. Hearts that don’t intend to stay. Hearts that are not searching for forever. Hearts that are not looking for other hearts that feel like home.

You were not made for hearts that don’t feel deeply or hearts that don’t love with every single beat. You were not made for hearts that forget easily or move on quickly. You were not made for hearts that don’t know what it’s like to be broken, what it’s like to be lonely or what it’s like to miss someone.

You were not made for hearts that teach you how not to feel, how to be emotionless, how to get used to emptiness, how to love less and stop yourself from falling. You were not made for hearts that force you to be guarded, cautious or scared.

You were not made for hearts that are not ready to accept your love in its entirety. You were not made for hearts that don’t know how to appreciate what your heart has to offer. You were not made for hearts that think your love is ‘too intense.’

You were not made for inconsistent hearts. You were not made for hearts that shatter you into pieces. You were not made for hearts that do not make you feel whole.

You were made for brave hearts, for fierce hearts, for hearts that go all in, for hearts that plunge into your arms. You were made for hearts that soften your edges, hearts that inspire you to feel everything and more. You were made for hearts that make you want to fall over and over again without worrying about hitting the ground or getting hurt.

You were made for hearts that keep on loving even after too many heartbreaks. You were made for hearts that still know how to love like they’ve never been hurt. You were made for big hearts and hearts that don’t want to settle for anything less than big love.

You were not made for hearts that easily break, you were not made for hearts that give up, you were not made for hearts that love you one day and leave you the next. You were made for sturdy hearts that lock you in once they’ve found you. You were made for hearts that know how to keep precious hearts like yours safe and protected. You were made for hearts that can’t help but fall in love with hearts like yours. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Rania Naim is a poet and author of the new book All The Words I Should Have Said, available here.
