Tamara Bellis

It’s Not Your Fault That You’re Not What Someone Else Wants

It’s not your fault that they’re looking for something casual and something temporary when you’re looking for something real and maybe forever.


Tamara Bellis

It’s not your fault that you’re not their idea of perfect or even good enough.

It’s not your fault that you were taught to love in a way that a lot of people won’t understand or appreciate.

It’s not your fault that they like short texts when you love to express yourself and write long essays.

It’s not your fault that they want vague cues and you would rather tell them how you feel instead of making them wonder.

It’s not your fault that they’re looking for something casual and something temporary when you’re looking for something real and maybe forever.

It’s not your fault that they’re not over someone who is not good for them, it’s not your fault that they can’t see how much you could have given them and how deeply you could have loved him.

It’s not your fault that they got used to a certain type and you don’t fit in.

It’s not your fault that they walked away before getting to know you and it’s not your fault that you didn’t know that you only had one chance.

It’s not your fault that you thought it could work out and you thought there was a genuine connection. It’s not your fault that you left it up to your heart to make that decision.

It’s not your fault that they picked someone else, it’s not your fault that they found what they were looking for in someone you could never be. Someone you probably don’t want to be.

It’s not your fault that you wanted love from someone who pretended that they wanted love too until they couldn’t keep up with their lies anymore.

It’s not your fault that you keep falling for people who don’t want what you want, who are only looking for convenience, fun or maybe a rebound. It’s not your fault that timing is not your side.

It’s not your fault that you’re still single, it only means that you haven’t met the person who is willing to accept and love everything about you, the person who leaves no room for questions or doubts, the person who will cherish you because you’re everything they’ve been looking for.

It’s not your fault that you haven’t met that person yet. It’s not your fault that it’s taking a little bit longer because that means it’s going to be wonderful and worth the wait. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Rania Naim is a poet and author of the new book All The Words I Should Have Said, available here.
