Why Liking Someone Is Simply Not Enough

It’s not enough just to like someone. A crush is not enough. You have to make them feel wanted. You have to make them feel valued.


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It’s not enough just to like someone. A crush is not enough.

You have to make them feel wanted. You have to make them feel valued.

Because when you like someone and you don’t initiate conversations, you’ll never really know who they are, you’ll never know if you really like them or you just like the idea of them, you’ll never know if your connection is real or superficial.

When you like someone and you don’t try to spend more time with them, then you’re letting them go, you’re telling them it’s okay for them to go out and know other people and maybe fall in love with someone else. You’re telling them you don’t really care about them that much and you’re happy with just liking them from afar, liking them from a distance and you don’t care about getting closer.

When you like someone and you don’t let them know, they’ll always wonder, they’ll question your intentions, they’ll question themselves, they’ll wonder why you’re not making any effort and they’ll ask themselves if they did anything that made you change your mind, if maybe you like someone else more, if they should have done more to keep you interested.

So while it’s flattering to know that someone likes you, sometimes it’s also frustrating when nothing else comes out of it. When the attraction fades, when the connection dies and when it turns into nothing because no one said or did anything to take it further.

Look for someone who not only likes you but also wants you because that makes all the difference.

When someone wants you, they talk to you, they try to see you, to understand you, to spend more time with you, to know your friends and make it obvious that they’re interested in your life.

When someone wants you, they don’t leave you with unanswered questions or mixed feelings and they don’t make room for anyone to steal their spot.

When someone wants you, they let you know. You feel it. You see it. You believe it. You don’t just sit there and hope it turns into something real. It’s not an illusion, it’s reality.

Liking someone is not enough, wanting someone is what pushes people to put themselves out there, risk rejection and open themselves up to love another person and be loved.

Don’t wait for someone to show you how much they like you, wait for them to show you how much they want you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Rania Naim is a poet and author of the new book All The Words I Should Have Said, available here.
