This Is Why It’s Hard For Her To Trust You



It’s hard for her to trust you because she doesn’t know what your intentions are. She’s been lied to before and she’s not sure if you’re just like the rest or if you’re actually genuine. She won’t know until you tell her, until you show her.

It’s hard for her to trust you because she’s getting mixed signals from you. One day you make her feel like a queen and the next day you’re ignoring her. She thinks you don’t know what you want, she thinks you’re not ready, she thinks you may be talking to someone else. She doesn’t know how to ask you and you’re not giving her the reassurance that she needs.

It’s hard for her to trust you because she knows guys like you. She sees what they do, she knows how they think and she doesn’t want to be one of those girls to you. She wants to know that you cherish her, that you don’t see her the way you see them. She wants to know that she makes you feel the same way you make her feel.

It’s hard for her to trust you because she doesn’t feel safe yet. She doesn’t know if she should text you as much as she wants to without pushing you away. She doesn’t know if you’re over your ex or if you’re talking to someone else. She doesn’t know if you want her or if you just want to keep her as an option. She is scared to go all in. She’s scared you two might not be on the same page.

It’s hard for her to trust you because every time she trusts a man, he breaks her heart. Every time she takes a risk, she ends up being disappointed. Every time she falls in love, they fall out of it. She doesn’t know what do anymore. She doesn’t know how to read the signs. The signs are all blurred to her, they’re confusing, they don’t make sense and they lead to dead-ends most of the time.

It’s hard for her to trust you because that means she’s going to open up, she’s going to be vulnerable. She’s going to break all the rules and all the walls for you and she wants to at least know that you won’t let her down. She wants to know that trusting you is not another mistake. It’s not another misjudgment. It’s not another heartbreak.

It’s hard for her trust you when she can’t hold you. When she can’t talk to you whenever she wants to and when she can’t show you how much she truly cares about you because she thinks you’ll walk away eventually.

It’s hard for her to trust you when she doesn’t know what’s on your mind or who’s in your heart. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Rania Naim is a poet and author of the new book All The Words I Should Have Said, available here.


About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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