
If You See Him, Tell Him I Miss Him

If you see him, tell him I miss him. Tell him I still need him when my world falls apart, tell him I still want to run to him when I need to run from the world, tell him I can't forget him, tell him I do nothing but remember him.



If you see him,
Tell him I’m still here
Tell him I’ll still answer his call
Tell him I’ll still listen to his stories
Tell him that he’ll always be my favorite
If you see him,
Tell him she’s fighting battles
And losing
Tell him she’s hiding scars
And bleeding
Tell him she’s still healing
From a wound you left open
If you see him,
Tell him she tried to love others
And ended up leaving them
Because they’re not you
Because they don’t sing her song
Because they don’t see her
Because they’re trying to understand her
And you know she can’t be understood
She can only be loved

If you see him,
Tell him I miss him,
Tell him I still need him
When my world falls apart
Tell him I still want to run to him
When I need to run from the world
Tell him I can’t forget him
Tell him I do nothing but remember him

If you see him,
Tell him I’m sorry
For not being able to tell him
All that myself
For being a coward
For being prideful
For being scared
Tell him I’m sorry
I wasn’t honest with him
I wasn’t brave with him
Tell him I’m sorry
Because I didn’t fight for him
When he left
Because I didn’t try harder
When he gave up
Tell him I’m sorry
Because I couldn’t love him fearlessly

If you see him,
Tell him I’m still here
And he can come back
And I will still let him in
In a heartbeat. Thought Catalog Logo Mark