You Tried To Mess Me Up But You Didn’t Know I Thrive In Chaos

You didn’t know that my mind was already a mess and it didn’t have room for your words, and your opinions didn’t occupy any space.
You didn’t know that my heart was already crumbled and it didn’t really feel a thing when you tried to smash it.
You didn’t know that my body was already twisted and your touch didn’t move me the way you think it did.
You didn’t know that my eyes were already perplexed when you looked at me and they didn’t only see you – they were swimming in a sea of their own confusion.
You didn’t know that my soul was connected to a thousand different things and wasn’t looking for one person or one home to settle in.
You didn’t know that I’m messier than your mess. That your mess is order to me.
You didn’t know that I thrive in chaos, you didn’t know that chaos is all I know. You tried to mess me up but you got lost in all the mess you found and you realized that messy people are not be messed with because they can survive and because they know how to find harmony in turmoil.
You tried to turn my world upside down but you didn’t know that I had already hit rock bottom a few times and I know how to turn my world around.
You didn’t know that you can’t wreck someone who’s already wrecked and you didn’t know that some people find solace in wreckage and they find peace.
You wanted to leave a stain on my heart but you didn’t know that I’m full of pigments, colors and shades that will wash away any stain you ever try to leave. You didn’t know that you can’t blend in with my colors.
You wanted to leave me alone in the dark but you didn’t know that darkness is my own light, I see everything in the dark and it doesn’t scare me. You didn’t know that when everybody gets lost in the dark, I find myself.
You wanted me to cry over you but you didn’t know that my river has already dried up and the tears don’t flow from my eyes anymore.
You tried to break me into pieces but you didn’t know that my edges could cut you and you didn’t know that when you try to make a mess of chaos, it will only leave you with ruins.