10 Times You Need To Turn To God Before Anyone Else
When you’re tired of failing. Ask him to give you peace of mind, ask him to give you the faith you need to trust him and trust that this is all for a reason, that he is putting you through this for a bigger and better purpose and that he is not going to let…
Rania Naim

1. When you’re heartbroken. Ask him to heal you, ask him to help you repair yourself again, ask him to give the strength to move on, the wisdom to understand, the grace to forgive and the courage to try again. Because he’s the only who knows your heart and he is the only one who knows how to mend it.
2. When you’re confused about life. Ask him to guide you, ask him to help you find the way, ask him for a map, ask him to lead you because he is the only one who can, because he is the only one who really knows where you’re going and he is the only one who has the fuel to keep you moving.
3. When you don’t feel like you’re good enough. Ask him why you’re still here, ask him if you’re special, and ask him for reassurance, confidence and faith. Ask him because he wants to let you know how special you are, ask him because he knows your day is coming soon and ask him because he will bring it to you sooner than you think.
4. When you’re lonely. Talk to him, tell him your problems, cry to him, tell him to stay by your side, tell him you need him and tell him to tuck you in bed and help you sleep. Talk to him even if you’re not saying a word because he is listening to your silence and he is watching your tears and he will make you smile again.
5. When you’re scared. Tell him to give you courage, tell him to take the fear away, tell him to silence the voices in your head, tell him that you’re afraid but you’re willing to take the risk and ask him for strength to handle the consequences. Tell him to make you fearless because he knows you have it in you and he knows how to bring it out.
6. When you’re tired of failing. Ask him to give you peace of mind, ask him to give you the faith you need to trust him and trust that this is all for a reason, that he is putting you through this for a bigger and better purpose and that he is not going to let you down. Ask him for patience to wait for the answers.
7. When you’re not sure if he’s listening. Ask him to remember you, ask him to give you reassurance, ask him for a sign and ask him for a miracle, because he wants you to believe in miracles and he wants you to witness them.
8. When you’re giving up. Ask him to give you hope, ask him to let you see the light at the end of the tunnel, ask him for the silver lining and ask him to give you power to keep fighting your battles until you win the war. Because he wants to see you win and he wants you to be victorious.
9. When you’ve lost someone you loved. Get closer to him, it’s okay to question why this happened to you but ask him to be your friend, ask him to be there for you, ask him for the reason he took something you loved away and then trust him; trust his plan and trust his timing, trust that he will replace what you’ve lost with something even bigger and better and something that never even crossed your mind.
10. When people are making fun of your dreams. Tell him that you think this is your calling, that this is your passion, and that this is what makes you feel alive. Ask him to make it happen, to make it easier, to make it less cruel and ask him to cover your ears from all those who are laughing at you, because he wants to make your dreams come true but he wants to make sure that you’re up for the challenge and that you will fight for them.
Sometimes God gives us hardships so we can turn to him and get closer to him; sometimes he just wants to remind us that life is fleeting but he is eternal and that is why we should always go back to him.