I Can’t Convince You To Love Me, I Can Only Show You Who I Really Am
I can’t convince you to love me but I can introduce to a different kind of love. I can promise you days filled with adventure and laughter and nights filled with deep conversations and passionate kisses under the moonlight.
Rania Naim

I can’t convince you to love me but I can show who I am when no else is around. I can show you how shy I really am underneath the loud laugh and the crazy stories. I can show you how vulnerable I really can be no matter how tough I try to act. I can show you my box of memories and walk you through the journey of my life, tell you my secrets and share with you the lessons I learned along the way. I can show you how I became who I am today.
I can’t convince you to love me but I can show you what I’ve written. What I don’t want the world to see or know, what I wrote when I was scared, what I wrote when I was broken and what I wrote when I was in love. I can let you read my words and tell you what they really mean. I can let you read my poems and the pain behind them, the letters I never sent and the faded paragraphs I wrote when my tears filled the pages.
I can’t convince you to love me but I can be your friend. I can be your wise friend when you want someone to talk to — someone who can listen and not judge. I can be your crazy friend when you want someone to have fun with, I can be your buddy when you just want to watch sports and play video games and I can be your best friend when you feel like no one else understands you. I can be all your friends in one not just to please you but because I find myself in all these friends and I want to be all that to you.
I can’t convince you to love me but I can introduce to a different kind of love. I can promise you days filled with adventure and laughter and nights filled with deep conversations and passionate kisses under the moonlight. I can promise you unforgettable trips and special memories. I can promise you mad passion and fireworks, I can promise to fill all the empty veins in your heart and ease the restless thoughts in your head. I can promise to fill the void that creeps up on you at 2 PM on a random Tuesday when you feel that everything is great but something is missing.
I can’t convince you to love me but I can perfectly describe what I love about you. The way you run your fingers through your hair when you’re trying to concentrate, the way you scrunch your eyebrows when you’re confused or how your voice softens when you talk about your family and what’s wrong with the world. I can tell you how I love you when you’re fierce and how I adore you when you’re fragile. I can show you how beautiful you really are and how you add beauty to everyone else’s life. I can show you your own light and how it brightens the world of those who love you.
I can’t convince you to love me but I can show you the parts of me that I love and the parts of me that I hate. I can reveal myself to you – unfiltered. I can promise to love you bravely and fearlessly and show you how ethereal you really are.
I can’t convince you to love me but that won’t stop me from loving you.