To My Hardest Goodbye / Enrico Fianchini / Enrico Fianchini

All my life
you were always on my mind
with all its ups and downs
you were there for the whole ride

Your smile made me smile
and your words kept me going
your touch kept me safe
and your love kept me growing

Your calm held back my storms
and your wisdom cured my insanity
your patience made me stronger
and your perspective gave me clarity

Although you were all I had
life continues to get in the way
I guess timing is not our friend
sadly, I have to walk away

Because I can’t have it both ways
I have to let you go
I need to go and find myself
So I can one day be like you

It’s going be hard saying goodbye
and even harder watching you leave
it is going to hurt when you’re not around
but you’ll always be why I believe

I’m going to miss you so much
I hope fate doesn’t make this the end
you will always be in my heart
you will always be my best friend

As I pray for us once more
your memory is what I’ll keep
I will think of you one last time
And then I’m off to sleep. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Rania Naim

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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