Sex & The City

10 Advantages Of Dating Older Men

Sex is like making love each time.


Sex & The City
Sex & The City

Young women often get tired of the let down that comes from dating men their age. There are too many fleeting, career-minded gents who are simply looking to have a little fun until they are ready to have a genuine relationship. Although society generally accepts the younger woman/older man duo, these relationships can be taboo. But what do we do when men our age are constantly letting us down? If you’re tired of waiting around for a “good guy,” you might want to explore another age group: the older man. Here are 10 things you can expect from these ripe gents:

He knows he is

You will know who he is and what he wants right from the get go. He knows what he likes and doesn’t like, but he is open minded enough to go with the flow. His ease and confidence will be a breath of fresh air.

He doesn’t mind the bush

Goodbye shaving, waxing and plucking. Older men grew up in a different generation when the bush was sexy. He’ll go down on you without question. You’ll feel more like a “natural woman” which will be liberating and free. He appreciates your girl parts just the way they are.

He is financially secure

Older men are financially secure. Even if they are not rich, they know where there money is, and this won’t be an issue. You won’t have to worry about contributing to the bill even on the 5th date. If you choose to, it’s because YOU CHOOSE TO out of fairness and equality, not because his courtship grace period is over.

You will never hear, “I have to focus on my career right now”

The older man is settled. He has made a career in this field or the other. He is free to focus on you, his interests and desires and, eventually, your mutual plans. How liberating would it be to be with a man who can focus on the relationship irrespective of whatever else is going on in his life?

If you are indecisive, he’ll choose (and it’ll be great)

Older men have been around the block. They know great places to eat, drink and socialize. No more walking around the East Village for an hour trying to figure out where to sit down for a good conversation.

Sex will be like making love each time

No more questioning whether or not he’ll hold your hand or introduce you to his friends. Sex will be intimate. He will kiss you, look you in the eyes when he’s inside you and tell you how beautiful you are. He will know how to touch you so that you enjoy sex just as much as he does. He will appreciate each time he gets to sleep with you because he looks at it as an experience, not an adventure.

He appreciates your depth

Older men genuinely enjoy good conversation. It is not an arbitrary dating ritual. He wants to hear about your career, ideas and adventures. It turns him on just as much as your physical appearance. So speak up on these dates!

He appreciates your youth

Confident older men want to keep in the now. They want to surround themselves with vibrant people because it keeps them youthful. When people approach middle age, it is easy to coast through life and be comfortable with what they’ve built for themselves. If a man is dating a younger woman, chances are he is looking to maintain his youth. You keep them feeling alive and inspired which, in return, makes you feel deeply desired.

He knows how to handle his family

It can be tricky introducing your significant other to the family for the first time especially if you’ve only done it once or twice before. Older men are well aware of their family’s dynamics, and he knows how to navigate through landmines and awkwardness when a new spouse is introduced. You won’t feel the pressure because he’ll be like a magician, handling the tough nuances without you even knowing he’s doing it.

He will show you places and things you never thought existed

With age comes experience. This is no secret. If you have an adventurous spirit and you’re curious about the world, let him show you the ropes. You may find yourself in a country you didn’t even know was on the map or in a workman’s shop that makes customary doorknobs for country homes. The older man doesn’t just know the streets of your city; he knows the back alleys as well. Let him show you the world.

If you find yourself uninspired by the oh-so familiar dating dynamics of your age group, try an older gent. This may not be the guy you see yourself marrying and having kids with, but it’ll sure be a low-risk adventure that you’ll never forget. Thought Catalog Logo Mark