1. chasetheworld
My father got me pregnant at 13. I miscarried after two months. I still can’t be alone in a room with him. I’m now 19.
2. jeaclaudevandriver
I occasionally pay hot girls to beat me up.
3. Bignaztea
Went to a strip club one night unwilling I add. It was my second time at one of these establishments also. It was a few days before payday. I was almost broke. Went with a bunch of people I didn’t know. Girls coming and going, giving me a table dance and flirting hard. The more I drank the more turned on I was. One girl come up and say 50$ gets you in the back with me. I go in the back and she instantly takes my pants off, throws a condom on me and we’re having sex. After everything is said and done she asks for more money, not saying anything about a charge before the fact. Next thing I know I’m in a chair in the main room with two bouncers and the manager saying they’re gonna break both my arms and throw me in jail if I didn’t get 300$ now. Out of all people I call my boss at the time. He shows up, pays the girl. Everything is settled and he ends up getting a dance. Very few people know this. I’ve yet to go back to another strip club nor want to. I was 21 at the time it happened. Just days before my 22nd b-day.
4. unknownreddit
After a night of drinking (with her) I had sex with my girlfriends Mother while she (daughter) was away at camp. I was 17, she was 38, married, and Mormon.
5. Xecutioner
I flunked out of university a few years ago. My parents don’t know this and through a careful web of lies and deceit I’ve managed to convince them that my grades were ok but that i just got tired of studying. I still feel guilty about it but I’d rather face their bewilderment at my decision than their disappointment at my failure.
6. throwaway9823479
I tried to strangle my mom once when I lost my temper. Ever since then, I’ve done everything I can to keep it in check. I was like 13 years old.