Here’s What Texting With A Creepy Guy Looks Like
I made the mistake of giving a guy I've never met my phone number via a private message under the pretenses of well, you know, being friends.
COOL. BEANS. I explain my last lack of response with a “I was underground” mention and by the time I’ve responded to his next text, it’s easily like 11pm. No, I don’t want to hang out with you for the first time at this hour. I don’t respond.
I hardly respond and he goes in for the kill again. I guess at this point he deserves a trophy for Trying Too Fucking Hard.
For those of you who think I’m a “bitter resentful bitch” at this point, shut up. You have no idea what’s coming… or you will if you keep reading, you sassy little shit. The point of this isn’t to say “don’t ever text a girl and try to get to know her and/or meet her”… the point is DON’T BE SO CREEPY ABOUT IT.