Here’s What Texting With A Creepy Guy Looks Like

I made the mistake of giving a guy I've never met my phone number via a private message under the pretenses of well, you know, being friends.


Here's What Texting With A Creepy Guy Looks Like

“And like punk music when I’m at the gym but like real punk”

I throw in some more small talk because I have literally no idea what to talk to this guy about. What the fuck does this guy qualify as “real punk”? Inquiring minds would LOVE to know. I give him a brief response and there’s little to no exchange for around a week. He hits me up, asks how I’m doing, and I respond with “writing an article about weed and Christmas” (which was my collab with Rob, strangely enough).

Here's What Texting With A Creepy Guy Looks Like

BOOM. Wrong form of “you’re” TWICE! I let his textual grammar errors slide before, but now it doesn’t even seem worth it to bear. Never mind the persistence… hey, if someone doesn’t text you back, definitely text them 12 more times, each of the following days! Some of you may remember an earlier piece I did called 20 Signs You Might Be A Stage 5 Clinger… you’d think this kinda thing would happen after meeting once or twice, but no, we have never met. NEVER. NOT ONE TIME. I almost start to feel bad, because I know it sucks to be ignored… but I want to ignore you even more when you send a text that says “done with me?” I never started with you, man. Mind you, he never once asks if I’m currently seeing anyone, which is a fairly polite and common sense thing to do if you’re trying to pursue someone over weird text messages.