Penelope Trunk

Author, Blogger, Entrepreneur….
Articles by
Penelope Trunk
Get Married First, Then Focus On Your Career
You have your whole life to get a career. This is not true about having a baby.
4 Ways To Find Direction When You Have None
It’s hard to find the right path, but the good news is that you don’t need to be on the right path, you just need to be on any path.
Don’t Do What You Love
One of the worst pieces of career advice that I bet each of you has not only gotten but given is to “do what you love.” Forget that. It’s absurd.
How To Pick A Husband If You Want To Have Kids
There are actually only two choices: be a breadwinner or marry a breadwinner.
4 Clues You Are A Woman With Asperger’s
You are out of step socially in terms of grooming or sex.
12 Things All Women Must Do If They Want To Succeed
Get plastic surgery.