This Is What Really Makes You Lose Your Mind, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


(March 21 – April 19)

You typically have a pretty small fuse requirement, but you find yourself especially mad when you sense a fake person. You will lose your temper the day that you discover someone who works closely with you to be fake. Fake people set you ablaze, almost as much as when things happen that block you from achieving your goals in your day to day life. Those two are tied pretty close of fury starters.


(April 20 – May 20)

You hate bad quality in everything. Bad quality service, people, clothes, wine, you name it. It irks you deeply. You really do only prefer the finer things in life. You will lose your temper the day that throws you a cheap event with cheap gifts, with bad quality people that you are forced to endure.


(May 21 – June 20)

Negativity. You get it, life can be hard. You will lose your temper the day that some people loudly vent their frustrations in a negative manner without stopping. It annoys you so much to the point of anger. You have learned not to express it as much, but negativity is not your cup of tea.


(June 21 – July 22)

Betrayal. You are territorial and loyal. You take your commitments and relationships seriously so it really pisses you off when other people don’t. You only want to be in a circle if you can trust that circle. You will lose your temper the day that someone you trust betrays you.


(July 23 – August 22)

Jealousy. It seriously makes no sense to you and it annoys you like nothing else. You are so proud of who you are and what you have that when people are threatened by you, it just annoys you to anger. You don’t feel a need to change who you are. You have a low threshold for insecurity in people. You will lose your temper the day that someone goes on and on about you vs them.


(August 23 – September 22)

When people are arrogant, it angers you. You will lose your temper the day that you meet someone who is openly arrogant and hell-bent on trying to change you.


(September 23 – October 22)

Rude boy, rude gal, move away from this Leo. You do not like rudeness. It disrupts your harmonious vibe and causes you to feel anger. You tend to shoot down rudeness with your sharp wit successfully. You will lose your temper the day that someone is persistent with their rudeness it really affects your inner system.


(October 23 – November 21)

You just want people to tell the truth. You will lose your temper the day that someone lies to your face, your phone, your email, your friend, your mom, or your pet.


(November 22 – December 21)

Tiptoeing around things, beating the bush, being correct politically, all are ways to piss you off. People should just tell you what they want. You will lose your temper the day that someone makes you play mind games.


(December 22 – January 19)

Lazy people are your issue. When someone lacks discipline, it really bothers you. You will lose your temper the day that a lazy person corrects you or tells you how you could improve.


(January 20 – February 18)

You are a free spirit and when someone tries to repress that and you, you resist. Oppression is not your look. You will lose your temper the day that people try to limit you and constraint you at all.


(February 19 – March 20)

Critics piss you off. You will lose your temper the day that someone starts attacking your self-image and continues to put you down. There’s only so much you’ll take before taking them down with you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Peace Ofure

I am a New Yorker and I do things. Follow my rants and antics on Instagram and Twitter.

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