10 Incredibly Unique Date Night Ideas For Clueless 20-Somethings

Whether they’ve been dating for six months or six years, many couples find it difficult to consistently find exciting date night ideas that are unique, fun and affordable. If you settle for dinner and a movie every time you go out, something needs to change.
On your next date night, spice it up a little with one of these 10 ideas:
1. Take Dance Lessons
Nothing rekindles romance like a good, old-fashioned tango (or other sexy dance). Many dance clubs offer free or discounted early-evening dance lessons. As you and your partner learn the steps and move your bodies together to the beat, you can enjoy the intimacy and flirting that comes standard with any dance class package.
2. New Art Galleries
Art galleries are an excellent place for deep, intimate conversations that bring couples close together. According to Albert Scaglione of Park West Gallery, “Art can be an exciting way to learn more about one another while experiencing something new. There’s something about the mystery and interpretation behind art that offers a look into the soul between couples.” Check out a new art gallery to experience this intimacy.
3. Visit Open Houses
Take a day to dream about the future. Whether or not co-habitation is in your future, visiting open houses can be a really fun date for any couple. You can each add features to your future home wish list, and compare notes over ice cream or coffee at the end of the night.
4. A Day at the Spa
Spas often offer specials on couples bookings, and there’s no better way to spend some intimate, quality time with your significant other. Nothing puts you in a better mood than a relaxing day of total pampering with the one you love!
5. Wine Tasting
Look up a local winery and make an appointment to go wine tasting. This is an extremely affordable, yet romantic date that will cost you less than $10 a person at most wineries.
6. Star Gazing Tour
Everyone has laid underneath the stars with their significant other, and though you can’t beat the simple romance of that gesture, you can make it more fun by taking a star gazing tour. With a tour at an observatory or in the wild, a guide will point out different constellations, planets, and galaxies that you’ve probably never heard of. If you really want to surprise your partner, have a star named after him/her at the end of the date!
7. A Night Away
Pack your bags for just one night and make reservations at a local hotel. Since you won’t be paying for travel, spring for a fancy room. Order room service and stay up late watching movies—and doing whatever else you want!
8. Reenact Your First Date
Bring back romance in a big way by planning a night in which you reenact your first date. Try to match as many things as you can to the first date, from the table you sat at to the location of that first, magical kiss.
9. Visit A Food Festival
In the summer, you can find food festivals all over the place where you and your partner can get the food you can’t find anywhere else. Bring a picnic blanket and relax on the grass as you sample food from each of your favorite booths.
10. Double Date At Home
Though it’s important to have personal couple time, sometimes it’s fun to spend time with another couple. Every few months, host a date night where you cook dinner, play games, watch movies, or have fondue. Sometimes the chemistry comes alive when you’re truly yourself with your partner and a couple you identify with.