3 Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back From Your Own Success

Sometimes, self-sabotage manifests simply as a limiting or underdeveloped belief process that we never took the time to really evaluate. In this episode, we discuss the most common limiting beliefs that are holding you back, such as that there can only be so much good in life before it’s “balanced out by the bad,” or that you must be the best to to be “good enough,” or that change is impossible, because it’s never been successful before.


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Show Notes

  • Limiting beliefs are the core of self-sabotage. Limiting beliefs are the foundation of self-sabotaging behaviors. They can act as constraints on our abilities and future potential.
  • The first important step is to define and recognize limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are repetitive negative thoughts. These thoughts can become core beliefs about life, love, and happiness, which may significantly affect your daily actions and self-perception.
  • It is essential to challenge limiting beliefs. You can challenge limiting beliefs by shifting your perspective. This may include allowing yourself to recognize the possibility of fulfilling careers, relationships, and self-love.
  • Do not compare success. It is harmful to equate your own self-worth with becoming “the best.” You do not have the best to be enough.
  • Strive to overcome the fear of failure. We often fear change due to repeated failures in the past. However, it is imperative to shift your mindset and view these past attempts as steps closer to success. This will allow you to embrace the potential for change and persist through challenges and failures.

Episode Quotes

A limiting belief is really the core of self sabotaging behavior. It is an idea that we have about life that caps what we allow ourselves to do.

Brianna Wiest

You have to set the standard for your own life. What is enough for you? That’s what you need to start thinking about. What makes me feel good when I show up?

Brianna Wiest

What you believe is possible for you is exactly what will be possible for you. Your life will probably not ever exceed the quality and limits of your thinking.

Brianna Wiest

If you have walked down a 1,000 paths and been met with a 1,000 dead ends, you can either think that that means that every door is closed or you can believe that you are 1,000 steps closer to finding the door that’s going to open because that is actually what what is happening here.

Brianna Wiest

Change is possible. It’s the only constant in life. It’s probably the most possible thing in the world.

Brianna Wiest

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