2/10 Would Not Bang
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Two of out ten, would not bang. …I would not bang you on a coat. I would not bang you, with a goat. I would not bang you in your socks. I would not bang you while eating lox. I would not bang you against a wall. I would not bang you, in the fall. Two out of ten; no thank you, ma’am. I am much happier where I am.
I would not bang you on a dare. I would not bang you in the open air. I would not bang you; c’est la guerre. …I would not bang you; for that’s unfair. Two out of ten; no thank you, ma’am. I see all your secret flaws. And it’s your secret flaws that give me pause.
Two out of ten, would not bang. We cannot bang, so let’s just hang. I would not bang you; for there’d be loss. I would not bang you at such a cost. I cannot bang you, for I am fat. I cannot bang you, for I own a cat. Two out of ten; it’s such a rule. Two out of ten; I am no fool.
Two out of ten, would not bang. It’s not so much that I’m scared of girls; it’s more that your face makes me hurl. The flaw within, it is not mine. The flaw within; it is thine.
I would not bang you on some rocks. I would not bang you with a fox. The sadness here, it is not mine. The sadness here; it is thine.
I would not bang you in a moat. I would not bang you for a groat. I would not bang, I would not bang; I would not bang so let’s just hang. The sadness here, it is not mine. The sadness here tastes of moldy wine.
Two out of ten, would not bang. The flaw within, it is not mine. The flaw within; it is thine. Two out of ten; no thank you, ma’am. …I am much happier where I am.