50 Quotes From The Movie Aliens, Ranked In Order Of Awesomeness
For a semi-explanation of this list, go here.
- “Get away from her, you bitch.”
- “We’re in the pipe; five by five.”
- “Maybe we can build a fire, sing a couple of songs!”
- “Look into my eye.”
- “You secure that shit, Hudson!”
- “Where do you want it?”
- “We’re on an express elevator to hell, going down!”
- “Weirzbowski, Weirzbowski!”
- “Yeah, but it’s a dry heat!”
- “You didn’t tell me there was an android on this mission, why not?”
- “Most of the time, it’s true.”
- “They mostly come out at night, mostly.”
- “It’s very pretty, Bishop, but what are we looking for?”
- “Don’t ask me, man. I just work here.”
- “They’re cut off!”
- “You always were an asshole, Gorman.”
- “I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.”
- “No offense.”
- “None taken.”
- “Ripley, what are you doing?”
- “You’ve blown the main transaxle… ease down, ease down.”
- “Aye-firmative.”
- “Great! Why don’t you just put her in charge?”
- “That’s inside the room.”
- “At least you don’t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.”
- “Come on, Spunkmeyer, we’re rolling.”
- “Spunkmeyer? Spunkmeyer? Goddamn it.”
- “HE’S GONE.”
- “We manufacture those, by the way.”
- “That… could have gone better.”
- “What do you mean, ‘They cut the power’?”
- “Then you’re not reading it right.”
- “Sorry… that platform was just becoming too unstable.”
- “WHAP! Fry half a city with this puppy.”
- “We got nukes, we got knives, we got sharp sticks.”
- “Every meal a banquet!”
- “Oh, great. Wonderful. SHIT!”
- “It was a bad call, Ripley. A bad call…”
- “I guess we’re not leaving soon.”
- “Close your eyes, baby.”
- “Don’t look at the light, Newt. Dangerous.”
- “Absolute badasses.”
- “Not bad, for a human.”
- “Assholes and elbows.”
- “So much for the salvage.”
- “Well, that explains it then. The A2s always were a bit twitchy.”
- “Where’s the goddamn beacon? Oh. I see it.”
- “Burke, wait!”
- “Guess she don’t like the cornbread either.”